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Year 2 - 2024-2025

W/E: 04/10/24

Colin: has been chosen for his fantastic attention to detail.  He listens carefully in every lesson and is always ready to attempt to answer my questions.  Colin is extremely good at applying his learning across subjects, noticing links between subjects. He remembers the previous days learning and eloquently explains his thinking.  What a fantastic start to year 2!

W/E: 20/09/24

Lucy: is a young lady who has quickly settled into the routines and expectations of Year 2.  She works hard during every subject, determined to be the best that she can be.  Lucy has particularly impressed me during maths, where she is able to give clear explanations for her answers.  Her answers sometimes end with the words "of course", which not only makes us smile, but demonstrates her wonderful confidence.  

Ahmad: embodies our school values and our five golden rules.  He is an extremely kind member of the class who is a great learning partner to have! Ahmad takes great care to ensure that he is ready to listen and learn and, as a result, I have no doubt that he will make superb progress this year.  He is becoming more confident in class and now feels able to answer my questions more regularly, ensuring that he makes valuable contributions to our classroom discussions.  Well done Ahmad.

W/E: 13/09/24

George M - has had a fantastic start to year two.  He has settled into the new routines in the classroom well.  He listens carefully and appears to be thoroughly enjoying our Titanic topic, which is demonstrated by the sheer amount of questions he asks during our lessons.  He has a wonderful eye for detail and can gain a lot of knowledge by looking at pictures and photographs as historical evidence.  An all round fantastic start to the year!

Jed: has also settled in well.  He is working incredibly hard during our carpet time and is happy to answer questions across all subjects.  Jed has particularly impressed me in maths, where he is able to explain his answers about our current topic (place value).  When asked to complete a task, he concentrated well and completes it to the best of his ability.  What more could I ask for!