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Reception 2024-2025

W/E: 10/01/25

Beau: This week Beau has come back full of enthusiasm for school.   He loves animals and this week he has been enjoying doing lots of matching and sorting activities.  He loves to choose an animal and find a matching picture of it either on the screen or on a card.  He also works hard to sort the animals together so that he has all the sheep or all the pigs together.  Well done Beau!

Freddie: This week everyone has been really impressed with how well Freddie has come back to school.  He has been working really hard on the carpet and using his listening ears.  We have especially seen this in phonics, where he has been saying the sounds and the actions and having a great go at reading some tricky words.  Freddie has also stood out this week for his manners and never forgets to say please and thank you. Well done Freddie!

W/E: 06/12/24

Penny: always stands out in class as a great role model for others.  She is always listening and ready to start her learning no matter what the lesson.  This week Penny stood out for us in Gymnastics with Emma. She shows off her agility and resilience and is always ready to try something new.  This week she was confident enough to climb to the top of the climbing frame and then safely make her way back down. She listens carefully to the instructions and tries every week to perfect her techniques in jumping and landing. Well done Penny!

Milie: This week phonics has got a little trickier for Class Reception as we have begun to learn some digraphs. Millie has blown us all away with how quickly she is recognising all the new sounds we are learning. When we are blending Millie is saying the sounds and then having a great try at blending the word. When we are writing the sounds she is able to listen carefully and then she will write them down by herself. Well Done Millie!

W/E: 29/11/24

Jack: for fantastic work in phonics and reading. Jack is doing really well at spotting the sounds and thinking of other words with those sounds in them.  He loves to read and it's always a pleasure to sit with him and hear him read. In our phonic lessons Jack is always eager to share his blending skills and help his friends.  Well done Jack!

James: This week we had a visit from the RNLI to help us learn how they can help us and keep us safe.  During the visit James was sat smartly and showing off his super listening skills.  He was able to answer questions and also asked his own sensible questions. James showed he really enjoyed learning about something new.  Well Done James!

W/E: 28/11/24

Belle: This week we have noticed Belle always doing the right thing and showing her wonderful listening skills.  She showed this during gymnastics.  Belle was able to safely use the large equipment to develop her skills in climbing and balancing.  She was also able to show her wonderful skills in jumping and landing.  Well done Belle!

Elsie: This week Elsie has been showing her super skills in phonics. She has been using her blending skills to read her own book and this week she has shown how good she is at segmenting.  Elsie is thinking carefully about how to form her letters and knows she can find them on a sound mat if she needs too.  Well done Elsie!

W/E: 15/11/24

Grace: Every week we are impressed by Grace’s attitude to school and her enthusiasm and thoughtfulness in what was she does. This week we have been learning to weave fish linked to our story Rainbow Fish. Grace showed perseverance and was able to work hard to weave in and out. When choosing her coloured strips she chose the favourite colours of everyone in her family. Well done Grace. 

Roman: We have been reading Rainbow Fish and linking this to our learning about being kind, sharing and being a good friend. Roman has been demonstrating these characteristics in class, whilst sharing and playing sensibly with his friends. He’s loved playing in the small world and using a wide range of language around water and sea creatures. Well done Roman. 

W/E: 08/11/24

Florence: has been an absolute star since her first day in Reception and she keeps this up all day every day.  Her attitude to learning really stands out. She is always ready to listen and always ready to have a go.  She sits beautifully on the carpet and is a real role model for others in her class.  Florence always ensures she tries her best, and when she comes to work with an adult has a real enthusiasm for learning.  Well done Florence!

W/E: 18/10/24

Zachary: This week class reception enjoyed Bikeability.  Zachary really stood out for his wonderful listening skills and control of the bike. He was able to follow instructions and worked well with other class members when playing the games.  He showed resilience and perseverance and just had a big smile on his face the whole way through.  Well done Zachary!

W/E: 10/10/24

Phoebe: This week we have been thinking about our feelings and emotions. We have been discussing the types of things we may feel, why we may feel something and how our face and body language will show others how we are feeling.  Phoebe did a fantastic job of showing on her face how the different feelings may look.  She was able to talk about her own feelings and when she felt happy, sad, angry or excited. Well done!

Milo: has been an absolute superstar since starting in class Reception.  He is always sitting lovely on the carpet and is ready to put his hand up to have a go. We have all noticed in class how much he is loving learning phonics.  He is blending well and has really impressed us when he is transfering this knowledge to his writing.  Well done!

W/E: 04/10/24

Lilly H: Class Reception have begun learning some sounds in phonics. Lilly has been amazing at listening to the sound and saying the sound, copying the action and knowing what it looks likes when written down.  She has been a superstar at identifying the first sound she could hear in a word. Well done Lilly! 

Wilf: This week we have been sharing the story Oliver's Vegetables. Wilf could confidently identify a range of vegetables. He could carefully use the magnifying glass to have a really close look before he used his senses to describe what he could feel, see and smell.  Well done Wilf!

W/E: 13/09/24

Ramos: This star is a shining example of the St Anne's values and rules. His manners are exceptional, he is helpful, kind and considerate. You can always rely on him to be doing the right thing, and if you need someone to help you with anything, he is the first to volunteer. He shows his friends respect, and will encourage many people to join in with his games. He should be very proud of the way he conducts himself at school, as he has been a superstar this week.

Beatrix: This star has stood out for her hard-working nature. Whenever it is time to complete a task, she is keen to take part and often says how much she loves doing the jobs in class. She isn't afraid to ask for support where she needs it, and she is accepting of any challenges. She also stands out for her manners and respect, which she showcases constantly in school. She has been a fantastic role model this week.