Week 19 - Spring Term - 7 February 2025
St Anne’s C of E (A) Primary News
“Developing the whole child, spiritually, mentally and physically in a caring Christian
environment through close links to the Church and Community”
Friday 7th February 2025
Dear Parents & Carers,
The week began with Collective Worship focussing on ‘David’ and the Psalms he wrote, many of which reflected how he was feeling. David wrote:
‘I lift my eyes to the mountains. But where does my help come from? It comes from God, who made heaven and earth….He will watch over your coming and going, now and forever.’ Psalm 121:1-2
Looking up from his problems at the majesty of the mountains gave David a different perspective. It reminded him that God was bigger than any problem he might be facing and that lifting his eyes up helped him also to lift his heart.
This in turn led into our discussions about ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’ and the importance of emotional well-being, reminding children that they all deserve to be heard, valued, and supported in expressing their thoughts and feelings. They were asked to think about ‘what lifted their hearts?’ and collectively we looked at images of Spring that can often bring a sense of ‘Hope’.
At St Anne’s we are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment where children are encouraged to talk about their emotions and in class this week, they have given focus to how they can develop strategies to manage their emotions as well as promoting empathy and positive connections amongst each other.
On Thursday, as we came together to sing, we took part in a special ‘live stream’ singalong to recognise what would have been ‘Bob Marley’s’ 80th birthday. Voices from around the world united remotely to sing the “Marley Magic” medley—a specially arranged selection of Bob Marley’s greatest hits, including “One Love,” “Jamming’,” “Three Little Birds (‘Don’t worry about a thing’) from the ‘Young Voices 2025 repertoire’. Led by an 8,000-strong choir live from Co-op Live in Manchester, with 50 countries taking part and over 200,000 children, the moment celebrated Marley’s significance as a twentieth century musician and his legacy of love, unity, and peace.
It's all about ‘Numbers’ today! It was wonderful to see the children arrive in school wearing an array of numbers and patterns as we took part in the NSPCC Number Day – a fundraiser for the important work of the NSPCC as well as give opportunity for the children to apply their number knowledge in a range of day-to-day scenarios.
Technological Glitches!
As shared last week, the school is in the process of transferring from one data information system to another and this in turn has created some ‘headaches and glitches’ beyond our control. We value your patience as we work with all external companies to rectify some of the issues that have arisen.
Parents Evenings
These will take place on the 11th and 12th of February and as a parent you should have received a link to book a time slot. If your child is part of the ‘structured conversation’ programme, these will be offered on an alternative day by the class teacher as they are longer in length. As always, for the class teacher to keep to time we ask that an additional time is agreed to discuss things further, should the need arise, so that other parents are not left waiting.
If your link to book has not come through, please give the office a call 01909 473 223 and we will book you in.
We recognise that the migration of systems has impacted on the ‘booking system’; we are hoping there will be no ‘double booking occurrences’, as behind the scenes the office team are trying to ‘iron out’ these glitches.
Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is here! There are lots of titles at great prices. Children should hopefully receive a book voucher giving a £1 discount off a book (over £2.99 or more).
The Bookfair is cashless, but you can pay by – card or online PayPal. Come and take a look- open before and after school each day.
Fosas (Friends of St Anne’s PTA – Fundraising Group
Following on from their last meeting, it was confirmed that Christmas events raised a total of £831.91 with a £493 profit which is great news. The Asda Cash pot also raised over £600. FOSAS have committed to subsidise the transport for school trips by £2000 each year which is greatly appreciated.
The next meeting is Monday 10th February at 7.30pm at the Shireoaks Inn - all parents are welcome to come and see what it involves.
Breakfast Club
Please ensure you accompany your child to the hall door each morning and drop off at the doorway. A school staff member will see them into the hall with their bags and coats for the day.
If your child is requiring breakfast they need to arrive before 08.20 am please.
After School Club
Activities w/c: Monday 10th February 2025
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Karaoke Challenge |
Lego Challenge |
Connect |
Valentines Day Cards |
Sports |
Collection from the club remains through Harrington Street only and you will be notified of any changes.
News from the Classes
Class Reception
This week Class Reception have been continuing their work on the ‘Gingerbread Man’ and have been writing their version of the story. They have been using their super sounding out skills and listening out for their new digraphs. In RE they have been thinking about places of worship and writing about what they might see inside them.
Class One
Class 1 have been talking all about the ‘Moon Landing in 1969’. They used ‘sources of information’ in the form of ‘extracts’ which told them what Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin did on the moon. They then acted out the activities - collecting moon rocks and putting up the American flag. The children designed a stamp that would commemorate the moon landing. They considered whether their designs represented the activities the astronauts did or the landing itself.
Class Two
This week class 2 visited the ‘National Coal Mining Museum’ as part of their history topic. They learnt all about pit ponies and the timelines associated with their involvement in mining. Class 2 enjoyed meeting ‘Sally Fletcher’ who was in role as a Victorian woman who worked down the mine. They were able to deepen their understanding of their learning by asking questions about what it was like for her. Finally, the children met ‘Mr Lister Kay’, the pit owner, who set the children to work on a variety of different jobs. They were shocked to find out how little money they would earn for such hard work.
Class Three
Class 3 have started a new unit of writing in English. They are exploring poetry, specifically Haiku poems. They began their learning by exploring the features of the poem and understanding what a syllable is to help follow the Haiku rule of 5, 7, 5. The children then carefully selected their words for their poems based on syllables. In Maths, the children have also started a new unit on ‘Length and perimeter’, this unit focusses on the different measurements used for length – millimetres, centimetres and metres. The children have been encouraged to further develop their skills with a ruler, measuring and drawing accurately a length. Encourage them at home – whether it be measuring the carpets, furniture or household items – practice will make perfect and a life skill!
In PE, the children have been consolidating their learning of gymnastics to create sequences of different movements including a balance, hand weighted movement and a roll movement. The progress in gymnastics during their time in Class 3 has been incredible, seeing the children develop their skills further and achieve skills previously unknown has led to a range of proficiency awards.
This week also saw the children completing an investigation into soil, as part of the ‘Rock’s’ topic. The children had to set up an experiment to identify what soil contained and began to think about its purpose for the environment. In other news, the children have been exploring some different activities as they celebrated children’s mental health week. This important topic enabled the children to share and think about how they keep themselves safe, healthy and celebrate their individuality.
Class Four
Class 4 have had a busy week this week with an educational visit to Perlethorpe as part of their ‘Viking and Anglo-Saxon ‘history learning. Whilst they were there, they studied Anglo-Saxon runes, visited an Anglo-Saxon house, used a quern stone to grind grain for flour, studied Viking weapons, made Viking jewellery and practised Viking battle techniques. Back in the classroom, year 4 continued their history learning by working as archaeologists to study the artefacts found at the ‘Sutton Who’ burial site. They needed to use their knowledge to make predictions about what the object could be and what it could have been used for. In maths, the children have begun their fractions unit, finding and making a whole and counting in fractions past a whole. In science, they have investigated switches, learning that switches complete a circuit or break a circuit making it incomplete.
Class Five
This week Class 5’s have investigated the features of biographies; after research next week, the children will be writing a biography of ‘Cleopatra’ in support of the Ancient Egyptians topic. In Science, investigation into which liquid allowed the sweet to drop to the bottom of a test tube fastest strengthened their understanding of a comparative test. They are still waiting for the pasta sauce results!!
As part of Mental Health week, the pupils thought about their own ‘Islands of Personality’; the memories which make us who we are. They then created a paint palette of emotion, where a different shade of a colour represented a shade of meaning before designing their own cartoon characters of emotions in the style of the film ‘Inside Out.’ Maybe Pixar could use some of the class characters for a third film in the franchise!
Class Six
Class 6 have been busy (as usual) across the curriculum and even squeezed in a few assessments! The children made further discoveries in their history lesson this week, about the farming techniques used by the Ancient Maya, and learnt more about how trade routes work to ensure people had supplies of jade and maize etc.
In maths, the children continued learning how to write algebraic expressions and solve equations.
In writing, the children used prepositions and relative clauses to write first person narratives from the perspective of ‘Pik’ in the ‘Rain Player’.
During PSHE, the children shared their dreams and goals for the wider world and considered how they could make the world a better place. In RE, the children continued to consider the ‘Creation’ story and what different members of the church say about science and religion being complementary or conflicting.
Congratulations to our Stars of the Week this week
Class Reception – Freya & Lily-Rose
Class One – Rebecca & Julien
Class Two – Jed & Lola
Class Three – Edan
Class Four – Edie
Class Five – Hooria
Class Six – Darcie
Drop-In Sessions |
Monday 10 February 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 10 March 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 31 March 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 28 April 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 19 May 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 16 June 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 14 July 9.00-11.00am |
Lunch time Stars:
Marcel (3) for sportsmanship, Drew (3) for being such a kind friend and Teddy B (1) for sharing the toys.
Class Tidiness Award
Caretaker Adele has awarded her certificate to Class 2. Well done!
Gymnastic Awards
Core Skills Level 1
Anaika (1), Star (1), Eva- Ann (1)
Apparatus Level 1
George S (3)
Out of School Achievements:
Adam (5) – Player of the Match for his local SJR team.
Ruby (5) – gaining her Brownie Gold Award.
Lilly H (R) – Gym Discover Level 2 award
Church Services
Sunday 9th February
9am Holy Communion with Rev Nigel
10.15ish STA @10 with Claire
6pm Informal worship, word and prayer with Rev Dave
Wednesday 12th February
3.20pm St Anne's Connect - Family Worship in the school hall with food, games and a time to worship together (Suggested donation to cover costs of £1-£2 per family)
Friday 14th February
3.00pm -5.00pm St Anne's Drop In - in the church hall for Y4 upwards. Crafts, games, tuck and video games. A time to chill out after school at the end of the week. All welcome.
Family Support
A reminder that Kerry Macadem ‘Bassetlaw Behaviour Support’ – Family Support Co-ordinator will be back in school on:
Drop-In Sessions |
Monday 10 February 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 10 March 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 31 March 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 28 April 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 19 May 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 16 June 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 14 July 9.00-11.00am |
2024-2025 Attendance |
Class |
Attendance |
R |
96.6% |
1 |
96.9% |
2 |
98.1% |
3 |
88.3% |
4 |
94.1% |
5 |
96.2% |
6 |
86.6% |
ALL 93.9% |
Prayers from Izzy (6) and Amelia (6)
Dear God, I thank you for being our eternal protector, thank you that you always watch over us and will never be taken off guard or surprised. Thank you God. Amen.
Dear God, thank you for watching over us when the world is tough. Thank you for being there when other people aren’t. Amen
Next week, is National Internet Safety Day. We send out our ‘Wake Up Wednesday Internet Safety /Apps information sheets for parents on a weekly basis. Can we please remind parents that ‘Fortnite’ has an age rating of 12 due to the violence within the game. We know from our interactions with children that younger children are playing the game, this in turn can lead to their ‘re-enactment’ of the games causing fallouts with friends. If you require further support in managing parent controls and technology, please have a chat with Mr Flockhart who will guide you to further information.
With my best wishes
Mrs Middleton & the St Anne’s Team
Please see the calendar on the website.