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Week 17 - Spring Term - 24 January 2025

St Anne’s C of E (A) Primary News

“Developing the whole child, spiritually, mentally and physically in a caring Christian

Environment through close links to the Church and Community”

Friday 24th January 2025

Dear Parents & Carers,

Another exciting week here at St Anne’s where children have had the opportunity to delve deeper into learning.

Last Friday, children in Classes 5 & 6 went off to compete in Sports Hall Athletics at Retford Oaks. They had a marvellous time and did so well that they have qualified for the district finals on Friday 31st January.



Well done – Edward, Zach, Harry, Lewis A, Lewis K, Aleksander, Poppy, Mia, Olivia, Amelia, Harriet R, Ava.

Class 6 further developed their musical understanding with a full day’s live workshop from Sinfonia Vivas Energy Project. The content of the workshop delivery was music and singing co-creation inspired by Energy with Jessie Grimes plus two of the Viva musicians. 

Thanks to B&Q


Our plea for gardening materials was also sent to local stores and we were thrilled to receive an incredible donation from B&Q in Worksop. This included bulbs, plants, compost, gloves and some tools! The children are excited to start developing the KS1 playground area.

Activities at lunch time


There is a varied menu of activities offered at lunchtimes both in KS1 and KS2. There are posters in school to remind the children when those clubs are taking place.


Breakfast Club


Please ensure you accompany your child to the hall door each morning and drop off at the doorway. A school staff member will see them into the hall with their bags and coats for the day.


After School Club


Activities w/c:  Monday 27th January 2025






Story telling week

Burn’s Night Scottish Dance


Mario Brain Break


 Collection from the club remains through Harrington Street only and you will be notified of any changes.

News from the Classes

Class Reception

This week Class Reception has been thinking about winter. They have been describing the weather and how the environment looks outside. They have also enjoyed sharing a new traditional tale the ‘Three Billy Goats Gruff’. They have been thinking carefully about how a story is split into a beginning, middle and end.

Class One

Class 1 have been developing their art skills this week. They have been drawing from film. They watched two videos which magnified minibeasts, and they drew what they could see. They thought about the pressure they used to create shades of light and dark, they looked at the ways they can use patterns such as waves, lines and spots to create an effect on the image. They used different mediums such as pens to discover what marks they could make and how this could change their picture. They finished off by evaluating their work, choosing what they thought they had done well and what technique they might like to improve on next time. 

Class Two

This week in Computing Class 2 has used logical reasoning to make predictions. The children have followed a program step by step to identify what the outcome would be.  To begin with children needed support thinking through their predictions and to understand that they are reasoned decisions rather than guesses but by the end of the lesson they had cracked it!

Class Three

Another great week for Class 3, they have been finishing the shared write and started the process of independent editing and improving. The children have also been planning how the myth of ‘Romulus and Remus’ could continue ready for their fully independent piece of writing. In maths, the children have been consolidating their knowledge of equality symbols using the phrases ‘greater than, less than, equal too’. On Tuesday, the children took the role of ‘Geologists’, investigating the different properties of rocks. The children had to test whether different types of rock were absorbent, durable or dense. The children worked well in groups to test each rock and record their findings. In PE, the children have been building on their football skills, focussing on control. For RE, the children have been comparing the Christian faith with the Islamic faith, spotting any similarities and differences.

Class Four

Although it has been a shorter week this week, Class 4 have been extremely busy across the curriculum. In History, Class 4 have been looking at Anglo-Saxon settlements, describing the materials used to make the homes and the layout of an Anglo-Saxon village. They also looked at the jobs an Anglo-Saxon would have done and made comparisons between settlements in Anglo-Saxon times to settlements now.  In English, Class 4 have used their knowledge of Norse mythology to plan and write their own myth using the character Arthur from the book ‘Arthur and the Golden rope’. There are some future authors in the class. In Music, Class 4 composed their own piece of music using 4 beats in a bar. They could choose to incorporate crochets, minims, crochet rests and minim rests and could choose to play a B, A or G note on their recorder. In French, children have been developing their conversational French by saying hello, asking how someone is feeling and asking what their name is.

Class Five

Class 5 has had another busy week. In RE the pupils asked the question: ‘What makes Gandhi an inspirational person?’. They worked to find evidence from his life-story which demonstrated the qualities of bravery, empathy, determination, selflessness, power/ influence and peacefulness. It was amazing to discover that famous people including Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela were influenced by him. Friction has been the focus of science this week, as part of the Forces topic. Having planned a fair test, the pupils used force meters to compare the grip on trainers.


Class Six

This week, Class 6 have completed their ratio unit in maths and made great progress in this area. The children also considered what a stressful situation is, through their DAaRT learning and how to combat stressful situations. On Wednesday, they had an exciting opportunity to listen to expert musicians and with their expert knowledge, write, compose and perform a song based on climate change and the impact it is having. Each child was pushed out their comfort zone and they were sensational.  In RE the children have continued to study the story of creation and looked at a range of Christian opinions. 

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week this week

Class Reception – Azra and Lily P

Class One – Alex O

Class Two – Nadia and Pippa

Class Three – Joseph

Class Four – Hugo                

Class Five – Adam

Class Six – Zac and Holly

Lunch time Stars:

Frankie (6) for being a fabulous lunchtime monitor.

Class Tidiness Award

Awarded by Caretaker Adele to Class 1.

Gymnastic Awards

Core Skills Level 1

Charlotte, Felicity and James in Class 1.

Core Skills Level 2

Oliver J and George in Class 2.

Core Skills Level

Laurel in Class 3

Out of School Achievements:

Well done to Emily (4) who had a successful trial for B Squad at Worksop Dolphins.

A special mention to Ramos (1) who took part in the 33rd Annual Challenge Scout Walk.

Church Services

Sunday 26th January

9am Holy Communion followed by shared refreshments.

10.15ish STA @10 A Service for All Ages

6pm Informal worship, word and prayer.

Wednesday 29th January

3.20pm St Anne's Connect - Family Worship in the school hall with food, games and a time to worship together (Suggested donation to cover costs of £1-£2 per family)

Friday 31st January

3.00pm -5.00pm St Anne's Drop In - in the church hall for Y4 upwards. Crafts, games, tuck and video games. A time to chill out after school at the end of the week. All welcome.

Family Support

A reminder that Kerry Macadem ‘Bassetlaw Behaviour Support’ – Family Support Co-ordinator will be back in school on:

Drop-In Sessions

Monday 10 February 9.00-11.00am

Monday 10 March 9.00-11.00am

Monday 31 March 9.00-11.00am

Monday 28 April 9.00-11.00am

Monday 19 May 9.00-11.00am

Monday 16 June 9.00-11.00am

Monday 14 July 9.00-11.00am

She can help support with issues within the home such as behaviour, sleep patterns, resistance to change, establishing routines.


2024-2025 Attendance




94.1 %










99.0% ***



ALL 95.7%

A prayer for the week ahead…

Lord, we pray for the pupils and learners. Give them minds that are eager to learn. Give them courage to ask good questions, confidence to take risks, and the discipline to focus and study. We pray for quality friendships and safety in and out of the classroom. Amen

With my best wishes

Mrs Middleton & the St Anne’s Team

Diary Dates (are all on the website calendar)

INSET DAYS 2024- 25

Key Statutory Weeks (Assessment)

2nd September 2024

27th September 2024

20th January 2025

28th July 2025

29th July 2025

Year 6 SATS – 12th May 2025 - all week

Class 1 Phonics - 9th June 2025 week

Statutory Multiplication Check -2 nd to 13th June 2025 – Year 4

Please ensure your children are in school during these times.

Looking Ahead




Reception Class – Forest School



Sports Hall Athletics Finals




Children’s Mental Health week


Class 4 visit to Perlethorpe Anglo Saxons/Vikings


Class 2 visit to National Coal Mining Museum


Book Fair Arrives

NSPCC Number Day


Pupils & Strategic Committee Governors Meeting 4pm


Safer Internet Day

Parents’ Consultations – child’s progress


Parents’ Consultations – child’s progress

Young Voices


Class 3 Class Assembly 2.45pm


Break up for half term/ Non-Uniform Day


Children return

Admissions Committee 10am


Dr Bob Science Afternoon for Class 4&5


Class 1 Assembly 2.45pm


Swimming Gala 9.30am



World Book Week


World Book Day


Ash Wednesday Service 9am in Church


Phonics Workshop for Class 1 Parents 2.45pm


Tag Rugby Festival – Y3/4


Planetarium Day


Governor’s Finance Committee

National Height and Weight Measurements – Reception and Y6 only


Year 6 Parents SATS meeting


Class 2 Class Assembly 2.45pm


Full Governing Body Meeting 6pm


Class 5 Class Assembly 2.45pm



Break up for Easter

2pm Easter Service


Kerry Macadam – Bassetlaw Behaviour Partnership in school 9-11am



Reception Class – Forest School – pond dipping