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Week 8 - Autumn Term - 08 November 2024

St Anne’s C of E (A) Primary News

“Developing the whole child, spiritually, mentally and physically in a caring Christian

environment through close links to the Church and Community”


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Friday 8th November 2024

Dear Parents & Carers,

We hope that you had an enjoyable half term break, it is certainly a lot colder and damper and the nights are drawing in.

This week, we have talked about the school’s value for the half term of - ‘Responsibility’. Over, the coming weeks, the children will be encouraged to think about how this looks in many aspects of life.  We encourage you to talk together about ‘responsibility’.  We all have gifts, talents (the word talent originated from the word used to describe a gift of money in the Bible story – The Parable of the Talents – Matthew 25 14-30). We have a responsibility to use our talents for the good of others, not just ourselves. Sometimes this will be enjoyable and fun and sometimes it will be hard work and might involve making sacrifices.

  • What are your special talents?
  • How are you using your talents to help others?

Rev Dave welcomed the children into church on Wednesday and next week the children will take part in a ‘Service of Remembrance’ at 10.30am in Church on Monday 11th November. Poppies and poppy products are available from the school office.

Yesterday afternoon, we welcomed Chris Jones from Worksop Library into school as he spoke to the children about the latest events at the library. This Saturday their event is called ‘The Sounds of Music,’ a family music concert suitable for children and their families aged 5 -11 at 1.00pm.  The concert will explore how the development of different musical instruments changed the sound and style of music we listen to.  The concert will feature a variety of familiar music from artists such as Beyonce and Pink Floyd - all played by our fantastic live band.

The audience will have a chance to create new sounds for the live band and everyone will have the chance to play the musical instruments at the end of the concert. 

There is further information on the attached flyer. Tickets cost £4 .We encourage you to go and visit!

Two of our classes have been out on educational visits this week to support the learning in class, take a look under the class sections to see what they got up to!

Great News - Celebrating Writing!

Children in Class 4 and 6 have had their work chosen to be published under the theme of ‘Wonderverse – Scribbles of Joy’ in a recent poetry competition. I can’t wait to read the anthology.


Next week…………

We will be encouraging the children to ‘wear odd socks’ on Tuesday 12th November as we use the opportunity to participate in ‘National Anti – Bullying Week’, and celebrate what is unique about us all. More often than not, the word bully can be misused and we use this week as a further teaching opportunity to focus on this year’s theme of respect. An extract from the Anti – Bullying Alliance website shares,

‘From playgrounds to parliament, our homes to our phones, this Anti-Bullying Week let's 'Choose Respect' and bring an end to bullying which negatively impacts millions.

This year, we’ll empower children and young people to not resort to bullying, even when we disagree and remind adults to lead by example, online and offline.
Imagine a world where respect and kindness thrives — it’s not just a dream, it's in the choices we make. Join us this Anti-Bullying Week and commit to 'Choose Respect'. What will you choose?’

Further information can be found here: 

These themes link really well to our ‘Golden Rules’ and our teaching in PSHE. The children will also be reminded about our ‘Wellbeing club’ and the opportunity to self-refer when they feel they need support.

Pupils should:

  • Respect themselves and others and care about other people's feelings.
  • Positively and safely manage hurtful teasing and bullying behaviour.
  • Understand there are people they can talk to for practical and emotional support.
  • Make friends and try to resolve disagreements, notice the needs and feelings of others and communicate their own needs and feelings.
  • Respect other people's point of view and constructively challenge those they disagree with.

A message from School Council…..On Friday it will be ‘Children in Need Day’ and we are encouraging the children to dress up in pyjamas, onesies or Children In Need attire if they have it (please do not to go out and buy!) 

Children can donate any 1p's, 2p's or any other denomination of coins to cover their classes cardboard Pudsey. There is a challenge to see who covers the most. We are suggesting a £1 contribution for dressing up that can be paid online via /or cash to support the charity and all of the work it does.


Please take a look at your child’s class page on the website, which will give you up to date information about the focus of learning this term.


As you will have seen we have a new pedestrian gates and car gates on Harrington Street.  Please note that these are all automated and MUST NOT be pushed open as this could damage the opening mechanism.

After School Club

The club runs every day until 5.30pm. Booking closes on a Thursday at 4pm for the following week. We ask that sessions are booked and paid for in advance.  This enables to ensure we have enough food prepared and that our adult/child ratios are correct. Please book on through in readiness for the week after half term.

Please ensure that your child is booked onto our wraparound care – even if your child is on Free School Meals and receiving free breakfast club. Thank you

Activities Theme:






Colouring and Crafts Bonfire Themed

Bonfire junk modelling


Scavenger Hunt

Anti bullying badges

Do you have/ know a child due to start school in September 2025?

Please be encouraged to telephone the office to make an appointment to have a visit around school. Spread the word!  School office: 01909 473 223 option 4

Fosas News

FOSAS held their AGM and the committee members for the year are:

Chair – Kate Fletcher

Vice-Chair - Caroline Knowles

Treasurer - Cathy Scholes

Buyer - Vikki Greenhalgh

Communications Officer - Katy Drew

The goal of FOSAS is all about raising much-needed funds to support and enhance our children’s school experiences. From helping cover the costs of coaches for trips to funding Reception Forest School sessions and the Class 6 DART programme, their aim is to make sure every student benefits. Throughout the year, they host a variety of fun and engaging fundraising activities like fairs, competitions, Talent Shows, and Quiz nights. All of these efforts go towards supporting the school and, most importantly, making a positive impact on the children’s learning and enjoyment. After all, they’re at the heart of everything we do!

They are always looking for volunteers to help at events - you don't have to commit to attending the meetings.  Everyone has different levels of commitment they are able to offer and all are of equal value.  So, if you would like to be involved, please speak to one of the members or ask the school office to put you in touch with them.

Learning News from the Classes

This week Class Reception have had a busy week learning how to stay safe on Bonfire night and all about Diwali.  They enjoyed making lots of art work including rocket pictures and Diva lamps.  They read the story Elmer and discussed what made them special and unique. 

Class One

This week, Class 1 went on a trip to the National Emergency Services Museum in Sheffield. They listened to a workshop all about the ‘Great Fire of London’, learning about how the fire spread so quickly, and how the fire was put out. They met Jane Birch,’ the maid of Samuel Pepys, who told them all about her experience in 1666, and what the people of London saved from the fire. The children had the opportunity to explore the museum, looking at emergency service vehicles of the past, exploring police cells, and looking at the work the RNLI do.



Class Two

This week, class 2 visited the Victorian Classroom in Barnsley. They spent the day with the formidable Miss Sharp, who ensured the children had a fully immersive experience. The children were in role play all day and really began to understand what it was like for children when they attended school in Victorian times. Amongst other things they learnt what happened if they were tale tellers, fidgets, clumsy, naughty or incorrect when answering questions. 


Class Three

Class 3 have had a settled week back at school and have started a few new topics including their next piece of writing which is ‘instructions’. They have been reading the book ‘How to wash a Woolly Mammoth’, this is linked to their Stone Age topic. The children will be building up to write their own instructions. In Maths, the children are working on adding and subtracting 1’s and 10’s across a 10. This can be a tricky concept to conquer in Year 3, but the children are stepping up to the challenge. We have been discussing the various world events and celebrations, specifically Remembrance Sunday. The children have been creating a Poppy wreath as a group to display at school. All the children have been fantastic in coming up with words linked to remembrance.

Class Four

It has been a great first week back in year 4. In English, the children have started their new genre for writing- a diary entry, based on the new class text ‘Where the poppies now grow’. In science, year 4 have started their new science unit focusing on sound. They studied musical instruments to identify and classify how a sound could be made and which part of the instrument vibrated. They then made careful observations of rice on a drum and a tuning fork in water observing the vibrations made. In maths, year 4 have been tackling area. They have been linking their knowledge of arrays and times tables to calculate the area of squares and rectangles. On Thursday, year 4 enjoyed a Discover Ballet workshop delivered by the Royal Ballet. They were introduced to the art form and enjoyed trying something new.

Class Five

It has been great to have the children back at school, bringing a renewed energy to the classrooms. This week, we have focused on Remembrance, reflecting on the reasons why we honour those who fought in World War One and all subsequent wars. The children have been introduced to the poignant text "Private Peaceful" as part of their English studies, prompting them to write their own diary entries inspired by its themes. We can never underestimate the power of a good book, and alongside this, another text linked to our Planet Earth topic has been introduced.

In whole class reading, the children have employed their retrieval skills to extract key information from "The Song of the Dolphin Boy," a narrative that explores a boy’s connection to the sea and the themes of friendship in the fight against plastic pollution threatening dolphins.

In PE, they have been discussing the characteristics of effective leadership. The children participated in small group challenges, fostering discussions on improving overall performance through enhanced communication and active listening. They also began learning hockey, practising the intricate "Indian Dribble" before advancing to a push pass.

In Design Technology, the children spent their first lesson researching soups from around the world and are eager to sample them next week. This will serve as an excellent foundation for designing their own healthy, seasonal soup by the term’s end.

It has been a fantastic start to this half-term.

Class Six

This week Class 6 have begun their art unit, looking at Henry Moore (a WWII artist) and his sketches of shelters. They've used a range of mediums to create perspective drawings, which showed light and dark. They also worked hard to use art techniques such as 'line' to create different effects.  In PE the children enjoyed their fitness circuits and thought about the importance of flexibility. In English the children have been learning how to write and structure a newspaper. In music they learnt all about the dynamics (ask them to show here, have your ear plugs ready). 

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week this week

Class Reception – Florence B and Harry

Class One – George S

Class Two – Iris and Catherine

Class Three – Drew

Class Four – Oscar

Class Five – Liam

Class Six Sophie B


Lunch time Stars:

Isobel (6) for helping the younger children, Leo (2) for great teamwork and Belle (R)for being a lovely friend.

Tidiest Classroom Award:

Caretaker Adele has chosen Class 3!

Out of School Achievements

Lilly H (R) - Sharing her Voices of the Vale singing certificate as well as treating us to a performance!

Felicity (3) – Gymnast of the Month at Worksop Gymnastic Club

Teddy (2) – Swimming certificate, now swimming without float and sharing his medal from the Victorian Classroom experience for being a star student alongside Lucy (2)

Leo (2) – Sharing his Duathlon medal.

Riva (2) – for her performance at a recent gymnastics’ competition. She came 4th on vault, 1st on floor, 1st on beam and 1st on bars, meaning she came 1st overall at her level (Brass), in her age category. Not only that, but she was the highest scoring gymnast of all the 6- and 7-year-olds that competed at that level (34 gymnasts!).

Church Services

Sunday November 10th

10am Remembrance Service led by Rev Dave followed by reflection at the war memorial

6pm STA@6 with informal worship and prayer – Rev Edith.

Wednesday 13th November

3.20pm St Anne's Connect - Family Worship in the school hall with food, games and a time to worship together (Suggested donation to cover costs of £1-£2 per family)

Friday 15th November

3.00pm -5.00pm St Anne's Drop In - in the church hall for Y4 upwards. Crafts, games, tuck and video games. A time to till out after school at the end of the week. All welcome.

2024 -2025 Attendance



















Well done Class 2! – keep up the good attendance. Overall class winners for last half term to be announced next week.

Prayer from Holly (6) and Harry (6)

Dear God, Encourage us to reflect on our actions and be kind every day and do as Jesus would do, having a warm, our heart. In your loving name. Amen.

Dear God, Let us remember to be kind and to think about our actions and words. Amen.

We welcome Star (1) and Salim (6) to school and say goodbye to Ewan (4) and wish him well in his next chapter.

With our very best wishes,

Mrs Middleton and the St Anne’s Team.

Diary Dates

INSET DAYS 2024- 25

Key Statutory Weeks (Assessment)

2nd September 2024

27th September 2024

20th January 2024

28th July 2024

29th July 2024

 Year 6 SATS – 12th May -all week

Class 1 Phonics - 9th June week

Statutory Multiplication Check -2nd to 13th June – Year 4

Please ensure your children are in school during these times.

Looking Ahead



Return to school

FOSAS Annual General Meeting – Shireoaks Pub 7.30pm


Year 1 Emergency Services Museum visit

Year 2 Victorian Classroom visit


Remembrance – service 10.30

Anti-bullying Week

Year 6 Residential PGL – 2 nights


Class 5 trip to Perlethorpe

Wear odd socks today for Anti bullying Week

Parent Coffee Afternoon with the Bassetlaw Behaviour Unit 2.45pm


Governor’s Finance Committee


Children in Need Day – wear PJ’s/ onesies or Children in Need attire – don’t buy anything new!)


Parent Workshop - Maths! 


Year Reception and 1 – Fire brigade visit in school


Year 3 to Creswell Craggs

6pm Full governors


Class 6 Class Assembly 2.45pm


Reception & Year 1 to Perlethorpe Nativity visit



Christmas Fair



Class 4 Assembly 2.45pm

Year 3 Jingle Jog


Year Reception Nativity 9.30 am (45mins) School Hall

Y1 & Y2 Performance 2.00 pm (1hr) St Anne’s Church Hall


Y1 & Y2 Performance 9.30 am (1hr) St Anne’s Church Hall

Year Reception Nativity 2.00pm (45mins) School Hall


Christmas Dinner Day


End of term Service 2pm

Keep checking the dates, as we will add to them as the term goes on and there will be more information to follow about certain events.