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Week 7 - Autumn Term - 18 October 2024

Friday 18th October 2024

Dear Parents & Carers,

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of Autumn 1 already! It has been a fast paced, busy term and children are all settled into the routines of their classes. Expectations for the year have been set and the children are immersed in their learning. Please encourage them to talk about their learning, as this helps them to make connections to prior learning.

Whilst the autumnal half-term will allow for a recharge of batteries, please encourage your child to read regularly, to appreciate the awe and wonder out and about on some walks in our local countryside. There are lots of activities available in the local area.

My thanks extend to Mrs Camish, Mrs Storrs and Mr Flockhart who took Class 5 to Hathersage this week. A beautiful part of the country, to fulfil the fieldwork elements of the curriculum and an opportunity for the children to develop themselves personally – whether that be independence, perseverance, collaboration or encountering something for the first time.



Keira thought the whole experience was ‘awesome’

Harriet B said, “My favourite activity was toasting the marshmallows”.

Ethan said, “I really liked the pond dipping and stream study because I like going in the water. It was fun and I found spiders, beetles and mayflies”.

Abigail shared that she enjoyed going to ‘Treak Cliff Cavern’ and seeing the ‘Blue John Stone’.

I had to look twice this week as I walked into Class 6 and they were all dressed as evacuees, totally immersed in their history learning. Miss McDonald had many comments about her ‘trench stew’ and how flavoursome it was!

The class also had a focussed assembly from the local PCSO team around hate crime. This provided opportunity for discussion, keeping safe and avoiding situations of conflict.


We are always grateful to the Church committee (PCC) for allowing parents/carers of the school to use the car park. Once again, please park in the designated spaces and do not block gateways or entrances.  We are a community, and rely on this to support the day-to-day goings of the school – I ask that any exchange between adults is courteous, particularly as there are children around.


As you will have seen we have a new pedestrian gate on Harrington Street.  Please note that this is automated and must not be pushed open as this could damage the opening mechanism.


Have you noticed the ‘translate’ tab on the top line of the school website. We have a variety of first languages in school and this will help to translate school documents.


It was wonderful to have the bikeability team in once again – this time with Reception class as they mastered their skills on the balance bikes.

On the way to Hope

Our school ambassadors were on hand to help Claire, the ‘Children’s Worker’ load the van and we hope the produce goes a long way in helping local families in Worksop.

After School Club

The club runs every day until 5.30pm. Booking closes on a Thursday at 4pm for the following week. We ask that sessions are booked and paid for in advance.  This enables to ensure we have enough food prepared and that our adult/child ratios are correct. Please book on through in readiness for the week after half term.

Do you have/ know a child due to start school in September 2025?

Please be encouraged to telephone the office to make an appointment to have a visit around school. Spread the word!

New resources in school

Thank you for your purchases at the recent book fair. This has enabled us to purchase a new range of books to inspire the children in school.

A group of books on the floor

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Learning News from the Classes

This week class reception has been learning all about Autumn.  They read the story ‘Leaf Man’ and used magnifying glasses to look at a range of autumnal objects.  The children used their senses to describe what they could see, feel and touch.  Everyone enjoyed their balance bike session and had great fun learning to move and control their bikes safely.  

Class One

This week, Class 1 have been writing letters to their local MP about ways in which they think Worksop can be improved. They came up with three areas to improve, which were:

  • safer roads
  • less litter, and
  • more shops to bring in more money for the town.

They put these ideas into their letters and suggested that we could raise money for more bins or for more crossings. They are now waiting and hoping for a reply from Jo White.

Class Two

This week in PE the children have been learning how to punt.  They know that a punt can be a kick from their hands and have been trying to kick through their laces in a low, medium and high punt.  During the 'game' part of our lesson the children could score points by accurately punting the ball into a hoop.

Class Three

Class 3 have had a busy week learning about ‘Black History Month’.  The children have been learning about Martin Luther King Jr, creating a piece of art to represent their new knowledge.

In PE, they have been building on their gymnastics skills, improving their balance, cartwheel, roll and jump to create a routine.  All the children have worked so hard this half-term and had a fantastic start to Class 3. Mr Flockhart and the Year 3 team have been amazed by the perseverance (this term’s school value) shown by the children.

Thank you to everyone at home for supporting the learning log tasks, there have been some incredible projects brought in to school and a display has been made in the corridor for everyone to appreciate. We hope you all have a peaceful half-term break, and we look forward to seeing you all refreshed, ready for some new learning.

Class Four

Class 4 have had an exciting week this week, supporting with the interview process and going on their trip to Perlethorpe. During their trip, they studied the river at Perlethorpe and measured its depth, width, flow rate and pollution levels as part of their Geography fieldwork. In English this week, the class have been writing a non-chronological report on the digestive system using their knowledge gained from science. They were tasked with including fronted adverbial and subordinating conjunctions. On Tuesday, they celebrated black history month by creating a poster celebrating the achievements of an individual from the present and in history. The children chose a range of people from across history including Maya Angelou, Rosa Parks, Michael Jordan, Stormzy, Serena Williams and LeBron James and created some amazing informational posters.

Class Five

The children have thoroughly enjoyed their residential trip to Hathersage, packed with new experiences and skills that they'll talk about for years to come! They kicked off their adventure on Monday with a fun stream study where they donned wellington boots and waterproofs to wade through the stream and catch critters in their nets. What a sight it was! They even had a thrilling duck race to finish things off.

Throughout the trip, they used their orienteering skills learned in PE lessons to navigate a star orienteering course in the beautiful countryside. The sheer joy on their faces as they worked out how to read their maps and spot key geographical features was infectious! And let’s not forget the highlight of the day—a perfectly toasted marshmallow treat around the campfire!

Day two started with a hearty cooked breakfast to fuel them for the long walk ahead. First, they enjoyed a train ride to Grindleford before embarking on the climb up Padley Gorge.  Along the way, they visited the stunning Padley Chapel and learned about the intriguing history of Henry VIII. The day was filled with map reading and even shelter building in the Whim Plantation—just a fantastic way to bond with nature!

On the final day, the children were mesmerised by their visit to Treak Cliff Cavern in Castleton, where they discovered the rare Blue John Stone. Learning that this unique mineral can only be found in this one location worldwide left them awestruck! They marvelled at stalactites and stalagmites and gained fascinating insights into cave formations.

What an adventure it has been! The memories created will be cherished forever. We did miss Hooria, who couldn’t join us, but she has been flourishing in class 6, and Miss Macdonald has loved witnessing her positive attitude. The class is thrilled to have her back with us now!

Class Six

Year 6 have concluded this half term with a WWII evacuation dress up day and they all looked exceptional! They learnt about what life was like for a child during WWII and gathered information from different sources to draw their own conclusions. They also had an insight into what propaganda is and how it was used during WWII, as well as writing in the role of an evacuee back home. They also made 3D suitcases out of 2D nets.

In DT the children developed their peeling and chopping skills, using the bridge and the claw to chop vegetables to put into a 'trench stew,' which most of them enjoyed. To end the week the children have been researching a person of historical significance in celebration of ‘Black History Month’ and writing biographies. Year 6 have had an excellent start to the year and have worked very hard already.

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week this week

Class Reception – Florence & Zachary

Class One – Owen & Eva-Ann

Class Two – Aza & Emma

Class Three – Felicity

Class Four – Elsa

Class Five – Kyla

Class Six Lewis A

Lunch time Stars:

Frankie (6) for helping the younger children in the hall.

Jed (2) being a good friend.

Tidiest Classroom Award:

Caretaker Adele has chosen Class 3 and 4 - Well done!

Out of School Achievements

Ava (5) achieving her 200m and 400m swimming badge

Adam (5) awarded ‘Player of the Match’ scoring 2 out of the 5 goals at his latest game.

Isobel (6) awarded a super vault certificate and medal at a recent gymnastics competition.

Florence Jarvis-Hook (1) gaining her 25m swimming award.

Dana (3) achieving her Level 2 aerial hoop award and accomplishing a new skill  - ‘forward walkover’.

Joseph (3) awarded the Chief Scout Bronze Award.

Mia (6) auditioning to perform at the Worksop Light Switch On and being offered a place!

Church Services

20th October

9am Holy Communion with Rev Nigel followed by shared refreshments.

10.15ish STA@10 with Claire a service for all ages

6pm STA@6 with Satya informal worship and prayer.

27th October

9am Holy Communion with Rev Dave followed by shared refreshments.

10.15ish STA@10 with Rev Dave a service for all ages

6pm STA@6 with Rev Edith informal worship and prayer.

3rd November – All Saints Day

9am Holy Communion with Rev Dave followed by shared refreshments.

10.15ish STA@10 with Rev Dave a service for all ages

7pm St Anne’s Memorial Service with Rev Dave. As we remember those that have died this year.

During the school holidays all of our groups are closed but the church is open every Wednesday afternoon between 2pm and 3.30pm in the hall for refreshments and a time to come together. All are welcome.

2024 -2025 Attendance
















96.6%      YAY!



We are monitoring attendance very closely in line with government expectations. If you are struggling with attendance, please talk to us. There are services there to help. Please remember that we can administer over the counter medicine accompanied by a consent form.

Well done to Class 6 this week.

Prayer from Isobel (6)

Dear God,

Please help us to have good habits. Please encourage us to pray so that no one is ever left out and you are always there for us. Amen

We wish you all a restful half term.

With our very best wishes,

Mrs Middleton and the St Anne’s Team.

Diary Dates

INSET DAYS 2024- 25

Key Statutory Weeks (Assessment)

2nd September 2024

27th September 2024

20th January 2024

28th July 2024

29th July 2024

 Year 6 SATS – 12th May -all week

Class 1 Phonics - 9th June week

Statutory Multiplication Check -2nd to 13th June – Year 4

Please ensure your children are in school during these times.

Looking Ahead






Return to school

FOSAS Annual General Meeting – Shireoaks Pub 7.30pm


Year 1 Emergency Services Museum visit

Year 2 Victorian Classroom visit


Remembrance – service 10.45 tbc

Anti-bullying Week

Year 6 Residential


Class 5 trip to Perlethorpe River


Governor’s Finance Committee


Children in Need Day


Parent Workshop - Maths!


Year 3 to Creswell Craggs

6pm Full governors


Class 6 Class Assembly 2.45pm


Reception & Year 1 to Perlethorpe Nativity visit



Christmas Fair



Class 4 Assembly 2.45pm

Year 3 Jingle Jog


Christmas Dinner Day


End of term Service 2pm

Keep checking the dates, as we will add to them as the term goes on and there will be more information to follow about certain events.