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- Week 20 - Spring Term - 14 February 2025
Week 20 - Spring Term - 14 February 2025
St Anne’s C of E (A) Primary News
“Developing the whole child, spiritually, mentally and physically in a caring Christian
environment through close links to the Church and Community”
Friday 14th February 2025
Dear Parents & Carers,
As we recognise today as ‘Valentine's Day, we are reminded of the powerful message that love can bring to our school community. Our school vision, “Let all that you do be done in love,” takes centre stage.
Love, in all its forms, is the foundation of a positive, supportive, and thriving school environment. It’s about the care we show each other, the respect we give, and the encouragement we offer. Whether it's through acts of kindness, the support of a friend, or a smile shared between classmates, love fosters unity and growth.
At our school, we strive to create an atmosphere where love isn't just celebrated on special days, but woven into the fabric of everything we do – from classroom learning to extra - curricular activities, to how we treat each other in the hallways. We want our pupils to not only excel academically but also grow as compassionate, kind-hearted individuals – this is a journey, with many different starting points and we aim to support all children to learn to interact appropriately and to follow our golden rules whilst in school.
Internet Safety Reminder
With extra time over the holidays, many children will be spending more time online. Whilst the internet offers many fantastic opportunities for learning and entertainment, it’s important to ensure our children stay safe. It was ‘Safer Internet Day’ on Tuesday, and it gave further opportunity to remind the children of how to stay safe online.
Here are some key reminders for keeping your child safe online:
- Monitor Screen Time: Encourage a healthy balance between online and offline activities.
- Check Privacy Settings: Ensure that social media and gaming accounts have appropriate privacy settings in place.
- Encourage Open Conversations: Talk to your child about what they are doing online and remind them they can come to you if they feel uncomfortable.
- Stay Aware of Trends: Keep up to date with the latest apps, games, and online challenges that your child may be engaging with.
- Use Parental Controls: Set up filters and restrictions on devices to help prevent access to inappropriate content.
For further support, websites like ThinkUKnow and Internet Matters provide excellent resources for parents.
Young Voices 2025
Choir members enjoyed a long day at Sheffield Arena, showcasing the songs they have been learning. This year there were 4742 children taking part! It was a joy to see the children having so much fun with their singing as well as ‘getting into the groove’ with the ‘Urban Striders’ Dance group.
Technological Glitches!
As shared last week, the school is in the process of transferring from one data information system to another and this in turn has created some ‘headaches and glitches,’ beyond our control. We value your patience as we work with all external companies to rectify some of the issues that have arisen.
Parents Evenings
Thank you to all of those that attended parents evening! It was an overwhelming turn out and thank you for taking the time to share your positive comments. You will have been made aware of the strengths and areas of focus for your child. When asked about how you can support your child at home – every teacher would agree in saying ‘read, read, read’, it really opens the doors.
Practising the basics such as ‘times table rockstars’ and word problems in maths will help too!
Science Week
We are very excited about our upcoming ‘Science Week’ on the w/c 10th March. You will soon receive a letter inviting you to one of our ‘parent workshops’, we can’t wait for you to join us and your child, to participate in some Science.
Science Fair Competition
‘British Science Week’ will soon be upon us and we would like to run a competition that all pupils can participate in. We would like them to create a model, poster or experiment based upon this year’s Science Week theme.
The theme this year is ‘Change and Adapt’, – there are lots of STEM topics to explore!
Children are tasked with creating a project linked to this theme. They could show how a certain type of technology has changed and adapted, they could also go futuristic and show us how they think the world might change and adapt in years to come, designing their own adapted world. Or perhaps they could look at nature – lifecycles, lifespans, evolution, and hibernation – nature is full of changes and adaptation.
How will the competition be judged?
- Creativity in approach - Innovative angle on the content or creative interpretation of the theme - don’t be afraid to think outside the box.
- Content - Clear, accurate, and informative about a STEM topic.
- Effective communication - presented and communicated in an engaging way.
How will the day work?
On Thursday 13th March, projects can be brought to the school hall from 8:30am to be displayed, viewed by the rest of the school and judged throughout the day.
At 2:15pm, parents are invited to come along and view the children’s projects and find out this year’s winners. Teas, coffees, and biscuits will also be available for a small donation.
At 2:30pm, we will host a short assembly, where the winners will be announced, and prizes will be awarded.
All entries will receive a participation certificate and team points.
It would be lovely once again to see lots of exciting entries showing the work of our young scientists. Please come along and support this event. It was such a fantastic afternoon at our Science Fair last year!
Fosas (Friends of St Anne’s PTA – Fundraising Group
FOSAS met on Monday night and they gathered to plan some events for Easter – there will be an egg decorating competition! More information to come.
Breakfast Club
Please ensure you accompany your child to the hall door each morning and drop off at the doorway. A school staff member will see them into the hall with their bags and coats for the day.
If your child is requiring breakfast they need to arrive before 08.20 am please.
After School Club
Activities w/c: Monday 24th February 2025
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Craft |
Dodgeball |
Connect |
Outdoor Games (weather dependent) |
Sports |
Collection from the club remains through Harrington Street only and you will be notified of any changes.
News from the Classes
Class Reception
This week Class Reception have been reading the ‘Traditional Tale Little Red Riding Hood’. They have been thinking about ways to safe outside including not talking to strangers, like Little Red Riding Hood did.
For Safer Internet Day, Buddy the Dog told them about the importance of staying safe online and helped them to think of ways to stay safe online including always checking with an adult and not sharing their name, school or address.
They have been super scientists as they investigated liquids and their effect on a gingerbread man. They have enjoyed using an animation app to bring their gingerbread man paintings to life.
Class One
This week, Class 1 completed their Art unit 'Inspired by Flora and Fauna'. Over this half term, they have been looking closely at minibeasts. They have used their drawing skills to draw details they could see on minibeasts and took inspiration from artist 'Erin Anfinson'. They experimented with colour, using chalk pastels to add more detail to their sketches. Finally, they used all their knowledge of what minibeasts look like to create their own unique minibeast. They used collage and cutting techniques to create a final minibeast.
Class Two
This week Class 2 have thoroughly enjoyed creating the outcome of their art unit of learning all about colour. They have used their colour mixing skills and knowledge of tints and shade.
Class Three
What a busy half term for Class 3! This week has seen their Roman Empire learning be shared through the Class assembly. All the children were keen to learn their lines, especially the Boudicca song. We are so proud of the assembly that they were able to put together in a short time. Their Roman learning across all subjects has been amazing, the learning log projects have expressed their enthusiasm for learning. We can’t wait to see it develop more in the next half-term.
In other news, in English the children have been writing Haikus based on the Roman Empire; their range of vocabulary is improving week by week. In Maths, the children have been developing their measuring skills to be able to convert between metres, centimetres, and millimetres. For science, the children had to observe and compare a range of soil samples based on the quality for growing plants.
Class Four
Class 4 have had a busy week to end the half term. In English, the children have been writing their ‘kenning poems’ about Beowulf, thinking carefully about the nouns and verbs they were using, ensuring they gave clues to the reader associated with the topic. In maths, Class 4 have been tackling fractious focusing on mixed numbers and improper fractions. In science they have finished their unit of learning by focusing on electrical conductors and insulators. They had a variety of materials to test as part of their enquiry. In history Class 4 have focused on ‘Alfred the Great, learning about why he was given the title of the great and his battles with the Vikings.
Class Five
This week, Class 5 have linked History and English in writing biographies of Cleopatra, the last of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. She certainly led an interesting life and, it seems, did what she could to maintain power.
In RE, the topic of ‘Inspirational People’ has led to an investigation into the life of Martin Luther King. The children focused on proving that he was selfless, non-violent, had empathy and was brave before deciding which characteristic describes him best. They then compared his life to that of Gandhi, linking with previous knowledge.
As part of Safer Internet Day, Class 5 joined the BBC live lesson before discussing further how to detect possible scams, both on and offline. If you get chance, why not ask them how they can use the letters of SCAM to help them remember the clues.
Class Six
This week in Class 6 they have been continuing to write their ‘Rain Player’ narrative using, speech, parenthesis, relative clauses and expanded noun phrases. All of the children have enjoyed doing bits of drama and seeing their ideas come to life on paper.
In maths, they have tackled algebra and come to the end of the unit, with children feeling much more confident with equations, formula and solving problems.
During internet safety day, children were able to spot a scam if it looked, "too good to be true!" and enjoyed going 'phishing' for scams.
They have also practised printing in art, before they complete their final projects.
To conclude their leadership PE unit, they all had a chance to teach year 1 a movement activity that they designed, including a warmup, and they were amazing!
Congratulations to our Stars of the Week this week
Class Reception – Eleanor & Malee
Class One – Felicity H & Lily
Class Two – Dominic & Lucas
Class Three – Catherine & Laurel
Class Four – Georgiana
Class Five – Alice
Class Six – Amelia
Class Tidiness Award
Caretaker Adele has awarded Class 1
Out of School Achievements:
Amelia Y6 – Spectators Player of the Match for football for FC Manton
Betsy Y1 – Learn to Swim Badge 2
Georgiana Y3 – attended an ASA stage 1 Gala for Worksop Dolphins and achieved two PB’s, one for 50 meter Butterfly & one for 50 meter backstroke.
Church Services
Sunday 16th February
9.00am StA@9 Holy Communion led by Rev Edith
10.30 STA @10ish Service for all ages, led by Claire.
2.00pm Care Home Service, led by Bev
6.00pm StA@6 led by Satya
Due to half term, Wednesday Connect and Friday drop – in will be taking a break this week.
Family Support
Kerry Macadem ‘Bassetlaw Behaviour Support’ – Family Support Co-ordinator joined us on Monday and saw parents. She will be in school after the break on 10th March.
Drop-In Sessions |
Monday 10 March 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 31 March 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 28 April 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 19 May 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 16 June 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 14 July 9.00-11.00am |
She can help support with issues within the home such as behaviour, sleep patterns, resistance to change, establishing routines.
2024-2025 Attendance |
Class |
Attendance |
R |
92.14% |
1 |
94.83% |
2 |
99.31% |
3 |
89.03% |
4 |
96.56% |
5 |
97.24% |
6 |
94.17% |
ALL 94.75% |
Well done Class 2!
Prayers from Harry and Zach in Y6
Dear Lord,
Help us to show love to you and help to forgive us for our mistakes. Thank you Lord, Amen
Dear God
I hope we show mercy to others and compassion and graciousness.
So, in true ‘Valentine’ spirit, let’s come together to embrace the spirit of love and kindness. We encourage children and staff to reflect on how they can show care and appreciation to those around them, not just today but every day. Let’s lead in love in all that we do.
Wishing all our St Anne’s community a happy half-term.
With my best wishes
Mrs Middleton & the St Anne’s Team
Dates are on the website calendar