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Week 16 Spring Term - 17 January 2025

St Anne’s C of E (A) Primary News

“Developing the whole child, spiritually, mentally and physically in a caring Christian

Environment through close links to the Church and Community”

                                                                                                                                                                   Friday 17 January 2025

Dear Parents & Carers

Once again, children have had the opportunity to immerse themselves in learning. Class 6 were straight into their Mayan experience on Monday, bringing their topic to life. This was followed by their first DAaRt lesson on Tuesday which is one of a series of ten lessons supporting their transition to secondary school. The ‘DAaRt Primary Programme’ is designed for Year 5 and 6 students. It is a refreshed and updated version of the successful DARE Primary programme, evaluated by Nottingham University. (Nottingham University evaluation can be found here.)  This programme equips young people with the knowledge and skills they need to transition from primary to secondary school. It helps them develop the social and emotional skills required to overcome challenges.

Reception Class were full of excitement following their Forest School visits to Perlethorpe this week.

Classes 4 and 5 got the opportunity to be part of a full day’s singing workshop with the world renowned ‘a Capella’ group, ‘Voces 8’ at Worksop College with other schools within the community. It really has felt a busy week with all the ‘in school’ learning as well.

Plea for Compost

Do any of our parents have access to compost that we could use to build a bulb bed in the Key Stage 1 playground? Mrs Smith and her band of little helpers are very keen to get this off the ground - so to speak. We have the bulbs…..we just need the compost!

Drainage in KS1

We are aware of the drainage challenges in the KS1 playground. Over the years, new soakaways have been installed but these have not fully resolved the issue. We continue to look for external funding streams to provide a solution to this matter.

Wrap Around Care Bookings

We understand that things crop up at the last minute but please try and book Wraparound Care the week before you require it.  This supports our planning process, ensuring we have the correct ratios of adults to children and sufficient food (this order goes in every Friday). We do not want to turn families away so would be appreciative of your co-operation.

Breakfast Club

Please ensure you accompany your child to the hall door each morning and drop off at the doorway. A school staff member will see them into the hall with their bags and coats for the day.

Music Lessons

A wide range of music tuition is available at school ranging from keyboard, piano, woodwind, drums and brass. This is a chargeable ‘additional’ activity but both companies run remission schemes for pupils who qualify for free school meals. All other tuition must be paid in full; this cannot be subsidised by the school budget, and we ask that parents/carers clear any outstanding payments as this is sent directly to NCC Inspire Music.

After School Club

Activities w/c:  Monday 20 January 2025







No School

Craft Creations


Chinese New Year Noodles


News from the Classes

Class Reception

This week Class Reception enjoyed their first two ‘Forest School’ sessions.  They played lots of forest games and enjoyed a campfire, popcorn and hot chocolate.  The children learnt all about woodland animals and the names of their homes before building their own animal homes out of natural materials. They have also continued their work on the ‘Little Red Hen’ and have been painting their own pictures using powder paint.

Class One

This week, Class 1 has started learning about the first astronauts in Space. They placed each astronaut on the timeline, sorting them from the first man in space to the first British astronaut in Space. They learnt all about the first animals sent to Space, and about which astronauts orbited Earth. They were very inquisitive and can't wait to know more about Space.

Class Two

Class 2 have continued with their colour mixing unit in art.  Last week we made primary and secondary colours using powder paint with the swish, wipe, blot method.

Class Three

Class 3 have been exploring the myth of ‘Romulus and Remus’ as part of their Roman topic. The children have been using their growing knowledge of verbs, adverbs, and speech to create their own version of the story. The children have been coming up with some amazing ideas and using descriptive language to showcase their vocabulary. For Maths, the children have been developing their times table knowledge for 3’s, 4’s and 8’s. They are key facts to be learnt in Class 3.

In Science, a new topic has started which is ‘Rocks’. The children began by learning some different types of rock and then investigated which rocks were around school, their properties and purpose. In History, the children have been building on their Roman knowledge from the experience day last week, the children have been researching about ‘Julius Caeser’ and ‘Boudicca’ using books from the ‘Library Service’ and other key sources to put together a fact file.

Class Four

Class 4 have had a busy week with a visit to Worksop College on Thursday where they participated in the VOCES8 workshop. The children learnt different signing techniques and engaged in a range of different musical genres. They were fantastic representatives of the school and had a wonderful day.

In science this week, Class 4 identified different electrical components and their function within a circuit in preparation for constructing their own series circuit next week. In Maths, Class 4 have been tackling methods of division using the bus stop method, portioning and place value grids. It’s been a tough week in maths learning a new method, but the children have worked hard. In History, Class 4 have used their geography knowledge of the UK to make comparisons between the regions we have today and the Kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxons, identifying similarities and differences. In English, Class 4 have enjoyed writing a myth based on the book ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ and Norse mythology, there were some fantastic pieces of writing produced.

Class Five

Class 5 has had another great week. In Maths, they have used knowledge of times tables to convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions, using mathematical terminology to describe patterns which they saw. The art topic of ‘Typography’ gave everyone the opportunity to create their own style of writing by combining pieces of differently shaped paper.

On Thursday, the pupils joined Class 4 in participating in a day of music workshops and rehearsals before performing to parents in the impressive surroundings of Worksop College chapel. Led by the Grammy-nominated British vocal ensemble VOCES8, it was an amazing opportunity to be taught by professional musicians- as well as be inspired by their performance. A number of pupils were complimented by staff from other schools for their behaviour and singing. Miss Parkin says: “Well done, Class 5!”.

Class Six


The children spoke positively about their Mayan experience. In RE, the have been discussing the different viewpoints about the story of ‘Creation’ with Children’s Worker Claire. In maths, ratios have been the theme of the week as well as opportunities to practise their skills in grammar using ‘Rollama’. My thanks to all the adults involved in the before and after school extra classes.

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week this week


Class Reception – Iasmin and Maria


Class One – Hansel and Alex


Class Two – Isla and Flynn


Class Three – Sophie


Class Four – Heidi


Class Five – Wiktoria


Class Six – Our star was busy representing the school at a sports event this week and will be announced next week.


Lunch time Stars:


Marcus (3) for trying new games.


George H (3) for being a good friend.


Class Tidiness Award


Awarded by Caretaker Adele to Class 1 and 4 this week – well done!




Gymnastic Awards


Core Skills Level 1


Jude A (3), George S (1), Lilly S (1), Archie (1), Oscar (1), Florence (1), Betsy (1), Alfie (1)


Core Skills Level 2


Mia (3)

Out of School Achievements:

Pippa (2) - Level 1 swimming award

Ramos (1) - 5m swimming

Archie - Level 2 swimming

Well done everyone.

Church Services


Sunday 19th January

9am Holy Communion followed by shared refreshments.

10.15ish STA @10 A Service for All Ages

6pm Informal worship, word and prayer.

Wednesday 22nd January

3.20pm St Anne's Connect - Family Worship in the school hall with food, games and a time to worship together (Suggested donation to cover costs of £1-£2 per family)

Friday 24h January

3.00pm -5.00pm St Anne's Drop In - in the church hall for Y4 upwards. Crafts, games, tuck and video games. A time to chill out after school at the end of the week. All welcome.

The Church is running two new Alpha courses. A male only group which started on Saturday 11th January (9.30am) finishing by 11am.  A group open to all takes place on Monday mornings at 9.30am. Come and be curious about the Christian faith and bring all your questions. 

2024-2025 Attendance














100% - Well Done!



ALL  94.9%

A prayer from Dayna (6)

Dear Lord,

Thank you for everything that you do for us all, for your love and guidance.


Please remember it is INSET for all children on Monday to enable the staff to carry out training.

With my best wishes

Mrs Middleton & the St Anne’s Team

Diary Dates

INSET DAYS 2024- 25

Key Statutory Weeks (Assessment)

2nd September 2024

27th September 2024

20th January 2025

28th July 2025

29th July 2025

 Year 6 SATS – 12th May 2025 - all week

Class 1 Phonics - 9th June 2025 week

Statutory Multiplication Check -2 nd to 13th June 2025 – Year 4

Please ensure your children are in school during these times.

Looking Ahead




Y5/6 Group Sportshall athletics






Class 6 Sinfonia Music Workshop Day



Reception Class – Forest School




Children’s Mental Health week


Class 4 visit to Perlethorpe Anglo Saxons/Vikings


Class 2 visit to National Coal Mining Museum


Book Fair Arrives

NSPCC Number Day


Pupils & Strategic Committee Governors Meeting 4pm


Safer Internet Day

Parents’ Consultations – child’s progress


Parents’ Consultations – child’s progress


Class 3 Class Assembly 2.45pm


Break up for half term/ Non-Uniform Day


Children return

Admissions Committee 10am


Dr Bob Science Afternoon for Class 4&5


Class 1 Assembly 2.45pm


Swimming Gala 9.30am



World Book Week


World Book Day


Ash Wednesday Service 9am in Church


Phonics Workshop for Class 1 Parents 2.45pm


Tag Rugby Festival – Y3/4


Governor’s Finance Committee


Year 6 Parents SATS meeting


Class 2 Class Assembly 2.45pm


Full Governing Body Meeting 6pm


Class 5 Class Assembly 2.45pm



Break up for Easter

2pm Easter Service



Reception Class – Forest School – pond dipping