Week 15 - Spring Term - 10 January 2025
St Anne’s C of E (A) Primary News
“Developing the whole child, spiritually, mentally and physically in a caring Christian
Environment through close links to the Church and Community”
Friday 10 January 2025
Dear Parents & Carers
A warm welcome back to all our families after the Christmas break and ‘Happy New Year’ to you all. I say warm, but the wintry weather has certainly not been welcomed – it is always a challenge to keep large buildings, such as a school, warm, but we have remained open ready to welcome the children back.
A big shout out to ‘Caretaker Adele’ and to ‘Cleaner Mrs Taylor’ for ensuring the site was clear and gritted daily. Miss Parkin has joined us as Deputy Head Teacher and has been prioritizing getting to know Class 5 over the last few days.
As we begin the Spring Term, please take a look at all of the dates at the end of the newsletter, so that you know what is coming up. As always, the newsletter will be the school’s main form of communication on a weekly basis. It can also be found on the website:
This term, staff will continue to ‘encourage a love of learning’ as the children begin new topics, as well as build on and consolidate learning from last term. Our curriculum is designed to provide rich and varied opportunities for the children. Class 3 have already had their ‘Roman Experience’ this week, Emma has been in to lead on ‘gymnastics’, as well as visits from Mr Bottley, Mr Kirkham and Mrs Hammond for music.
Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance is crucial to your child’s academic success. Please make every effort to ensure your child is at school every day. If there are any issues preventing your child from attending, please let us know as soon as possible so we can offer support.
Please note: absence on a child’s birthday will be classed as unauthorised, unless medical evidence is provided.
Parent/ Teacher Communication
We value our strong partnership with you as parents. If we do not know about something, then we can’t adapt or change it. Please remember we are here to answer any questions/concerns you may have. Parents consultation meetings are scheduled for the beginning of February (see dates below – booking will be through the website at a later date).
Celebrating Achievements
We are always keen to celebrate the achievements of children, both in and out of school. Please encourage them to bring their swimming, judo, sporting, musical achievements to be shared in Celebration Assembly/Star of the Week on Fridays.
Activities/ Clubs
A number of new clubs are running from next week throughout the school day for both KS1 and KS2 – lunchtime activities will be very busy! Children are encouraged to look out for the posters which will display what is happening on each day.
Class 6 Parents – Don’t forget sessions begin for children next week, either before/after school, depending on which group they are in.
After School Club
Activities w/c: Monday 13 January 2025
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Craft Creations |
Dodgeball |
Connect |
Word Search Day |
Sports |
The committee wish you a ‘Happy New Year’ and will be sharing the events for 2025 in the coming weeks.
News from the Classes
Class Reception
This week the children have come back into school really settled and ready to start their new learning. They have been started their new topic 'Tell Me a Story' by learning to retell the Traditional Tale 'The Little Red Hen'. The children have learnt actions for key words and can retell the story using a story map to help them.
Class One
Class 1 were excited by their new topic this week as planets appeared in their classroom, and they started learning all about Space. To kick start their topic, they have started learning a new story in English through Talk for Writing. Their story is 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy, and they are becoming incredible story tellers, using their actions and words to tell the story.
Class Two
This week Class 2 have begun a new topic in History - they are learning all about mining. This is a topic we undertake because we know the importance of mining in our local area meaning many of our families have historical connections with the industry. We began by looking at what coal is, how it is formed and what it was used for.
Class Three
What a start to Spring Term! Class 3 have wasted no time with immersing themselves with a new topic of ‘The Roman Empire’. This is an amazing topic that the children are already captivated by. This was helped by the Roman Experience Day that we had on Tuesday 7th January. We were lucky to have a Roman visitor called ‘Maximus’ join us all day and help us understand more about the Romans. They covered lots of different areas of learning including:
- The story of Romulus and Remus, amongst other key leaders and emperors
- Identifying key Roman places on a Map
- A Roman board game called ‘Delta’ using Roman numerals
- A Roman treasure hunt quiz
- Exploring and identify various Roman artefacts
- Exploring Roman weapons and Warfare
So much was squeezed into the day and the children were amazing. Lots of fun and learning took place. They have also been working hard to master the 3 times table. This is taking practice and some competition on Times table Rock Stars, as this is such an important topic for their transition to Y4.
Class Four
It has been lovely to see all of the children in Class 4 back in class. They have made a fantastic start to the new year. In maths, Class 4 have been tackling methods of multiplication and are really becoming fluent in the methods taught. In science, Class 4 started their new unit learning all about electricity, they sorted electrical appliances based on whether they use batteries or mains electricity. In history, they have started their new learning on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, they learnt who the Anglo-Saxons were and where they came from. In whole class reading, they have started their new text ‘Loki- A Bad God’s Guide to Being Good’. The children made predictions based on the front cover and blurb.
Class Five
It has been a fantastic start to the term in Class 5 this week. Beginning their topic on Ancient Egypt, they have started to read our focus text of ‘The Secrets of the Sun King’ by Emma Carroll. The discovery of a mysterious package is getting them all wondering what on earth a golden jar was doing being left on a doorstep! In RE, they debated what makes some people inspirational and were amazed to discover the way that we can overcome challenges to achieve great things or work to help others. Miss Parkin says: ‘It’s been a lovely week getting to know you, Class 5. Here’s to a fabulous term.’
Class Six
Class 6 have had a wonderful start back. They have had their reading cafe experience day, where they learnt about the evolutionary journey of a Moth and how it has adapted to survive. In science, they have been introduced to Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution. In history, they stepped back in time to see when the Ancient Maya existed and how long they lasted for as a civilization as well as compare this point in history with other significant moments in time including, the Romans, the Stone Age and Ancient Egypt. They have developed skills in chronology, and they all worked mathematically to work out the time scales. They have begun reading ‘Oh Maya Gods’ and found out Vesper loves her football! In maths the children have been tackling conversions in measurements. During computing the children have been introduced to 'variables' in games.
Congratulations to our Stars of the Week this week
Class Reception – Beau & Freddie W
Class One – Jack & Betsy
Class Two – Isaac & Riva
Class Three – Grace
Class Four – Emilia & Natalia
Class Five – Jacob
Class Six – Dayna
Lunch time Stars:
Willow (2) – super manners and helping a friend.
Reggie (4) – great sportsmanship.
Gymnastic Awards
Core Skills Level 1
Julien, Jack F, Alexander G, Amelia, Alex O, Rowan, Noah and Jack S from Class 1.
Core Skills Level 2
Drew, Phoebe and Edan from Class 3.
Out of School Achievements:
A number of children took part in the recent Worksop Dolphins Club Championships.
Grace (3) 14th place in the 7-year-olds.
Eliza (3) 3rd overall in the 7’s and swimmer of the year in her squad.
Dana (3) 3rd overall in the 7’s.
Harriet R (5) 3rd overall in the 9’s.
Emily (4) 2nd overall in the 8’s.
Sophie (5) 1st overall in the 10’s.
Georgiana (4) 7th overall in the 8’s.
Harriet R (4) 2nd overall in the 8’s.
Julian (1) for his Dolphins Open Meet Award
Dana (3) – Gymnast of the Month at Twist Gym
Elsie (R) – Stage 1 Swimming Award
Betsy (1) – 5m swimming
Florence (1) – Swimming Open Meet Award
Well done everyone.
Church Services
Sunday 12th January
9am Holy Communion led by Rev Edith followed by shared refreshments.
10.15ish STA @10 A Service for All Ages led by our Family & Children’s Worker Claire.
6pm An Advent Reflection with informal worship, word and prayer led by Rev Dave.
Wednesday 15th January
3.20pm St Anne's Connect - Family Worship in the school hall with food, games and a time to worship together (Suggested donation to cover costs of £1-£2 per family)
Friday 17th January
3.00pm -5.00pm St Anne's Drop In - in the church hall for Y4 upwards. Crafts, games, tuck and video games. A time to till out after school at the end of the week. All welcome.
The Church is running two new Apha course. A men only group starting Saturday 11 January from 9.30am for a soft start and the teaching will start from just after 10am and will be finished by 11am. A group open to all will take place on Monday mornings at 9.30am. Come and be curious about the Christian faith and bring all your questions.
National Closing Date for School Admissions for September 2025 is *****15 January 2025***** We still have spaces, spread the word and encourage those you know to apply.
2024-2025 Attendance
Class |
Attendance |
R |
94.3% |
1 |
96.2% |
2 |
96.1% |
3 |
91.5% |
4 |
96.5% |
5 |
95.6% |
6 |
93.6% |
ALL 94.8% |
A prayer for the New Year
Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for a brand-new year filled with hope and possibilities. Please bless us as we learn, grow, and share kindness with others.
Help us to do our best in school, love our families, and be good friends. Guide us to make good choices and to be brave when things get hard. Thank you for always loving us and keeping us safe. We ask for your blessings for the year ahead. Amen
With my best wishes
Mrs Middleton & the St Anne’s Team
Diary Dates
INSET DAYS 2024- 25 |
Key Statutory Weeks (Assessment) |
2nd September 2024 27th September 2024 20th January 2025 28th July 2025 29th July 2025 |
Year 6 SATS – 12th May 2025 - all week Class 1 Phonics - 9th June 2025 week Statutory Multiplication Check -2 nd to 13th June 2025 – Year 4 Please ensure your children are in school during these times. |
Looking Ahead
January |
6 |
Children return to school Reception Class – Forest School – new date |
7 |
Class 3 Roman Workshop Trip – in school |
13 |
Class 6 Ancient Maya Visit to school day Reception Class – Forest School FOSAS (PTA) Meeting 7pm Shireoaks pub |
14 |
Reception Class – Forest School |
16 |
Classes 4 to Worksop College Apollo 5 Music Workshop Day – collection from Worksop College (private school, Cuthberts Ave, Worksop S80 3AP) |
17 |
Y5/6 Group Sportshall athletics |
20 |
22 |
Class 6 Sinfonia Music Workshop Day |
27 |
Reception Class – Forest School |
February |
3 |
Children’s Mental Health week |
4 |
Class 4 visit to Perlethorpe Anglo Saxons/Vikings |
5 |
Class 2 visit to National Coal Mining Museum |
7 |
Book Fair Arrives NSPCC Number Day |
10 |
Pupils & Strategic Committee Governors Meeting 4pm |
11 |
Safer Internet Day Parents’ Consultations – child’s progress |
12 |
Parents’ Consultations – child’s progress |
13 |
Class 3 Class Assembly 2.45pm |
14 |
Break up for half term/ Non-Uniform Day |
24 |
Children return Admissions Committee 10am |
26 |
Dr Bob Science Afternoon for Class 4&5 |
27 |
Class 1 Assembly 2.45pm |
28 |
Swimming Gala 9.30am |
March |
3 |
World Book Week |
4 |
World Book Day |
5 |
Ash Wednesday Service 9am in Church |
6 |
Phonics Workshop for Class 1 Parents 2.45pm |
7 |
Tag Rugby Festival – Y3/4 |
13 |
Governor’s Finance Committee |
17 |
Year 6 Parents SATS meeting |
20 |
Class 2 Class Assembly 2.45pm |
25 |
Full Governing Body Meeting 6pm |
27 |
Class 5 Class Assembly 2.45pm |
April |
4 |
Break up for Easter 2pm Easter Service |
May |
16 |
Reception Class – Forest School – pond dipping |