Week 13 - Autumn Term - 13 December 2024
St Anne’s C of E (A) Primary News
“Developing the whole child, spiritually, mentally and physically in a caring Christian
environment through close links to the Church and Community”
Friday 13th December 2024
Dear Parents & Carers,
It has been a joyous week with our youngest three classes performing their nativities – such bravery to face the large audiences, as well as a showcase to illustrate their hard work in learning their lines and their songs. All in all, ‘Fleece Force’ and ‘A Bundle of Joy’ will be ones to remember for years to come.
Thank you to all of you who were able to come and support the ‘Christmas Craft Afternoon’. The school was packed to the brim and there was a lot of enjoyment to be had!
Engineering club
On Monday the engineers enjoyed presenting their moving vehicles in the celebration events. They had to test their vehicles on a ramp and to see if they could drive in a straight line. A big well to done to our winners:
- Cassie and Keira- winning the testing events
- Toby and Jacob- best communicators
- Thomas and Casper- best design theme
School Christmas Raffle (organized and run by FOSAS/PTA)
There are still raffle tickets available and this will be drawn on Wednesday – so look out for the announcement of the winners.
Bassetlaw Behaviour Partnership
Kerry from Bassetlaw Behaviour Partnership has continued to offer a range of support/guidance to parents about a range of matters within the home – whether it be sleeping patterns, dealing with change. She will be offering a monthly drop in – please see the dates below.
Monday 13 January 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 10 February 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 10 March 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 31 March 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 28 April 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 19 May 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 16 June 9.00-11.00am |
Monday 14 July 9.00-11.00am |
After School Club
Activities for the week ahead
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Tree decorations |
Marshmallow snowmen |
Connect |
Paper plate wreath |
Closed |
Please note that there will be NO After School club on the last day of term – Friday 20th December.
Help Others at Christmas
Is Christmas a struggle for you as a family? Please don’t be proud - if you are finding it difficult, school can contact the local charity ‘From the Heart’, who work within the community to ensure children receive a gift at Christmas time. Please have a word with Mrs Middleton or Mrs Ridout if the school can act on your behalf.
Christmas Dinner Day
All next week Mrs Dunnicliff has a special ‘Christmas Menu’ all week (menu attached) with the big Christmas Dinner on Wednesday 18 December. It is also Christmas Jumper day – please don’t buy anything new. Remember if you are in receipt of Free School Meals your dinners are FREE.
Learning News from the Classes
This week Class Reception have been performing their Nativity for the school and their grown-ups. They wowed everyone with their confidence and beautiful singing. They have been practising writing their sounds to help write a cvc shopping list and as part of their work on ‘people who help us’, the children have been finding out about the journey of a letter.
Class One
It has been a week full of Christmas in Class 1. This week, they performed their nativity 'The Fleece Force' to the whole school, and to their families on two separate occasions. They all did so well, and remembered so many songs and actions.
On Thursday, they enjoyed completing their Design Technology project, and making a grotto for Santa. There was glitter everywhere! Thank you to the parents who attended and supported the children with their projects.
Class Two
Class 2 News: This week class 2 have performed their nativity 'The Fleece Force' three times. Monday to the whole school, and Tuesday/Wednesday to their parents and relatives. They spoke clearly, delivered their lines beautifully and even managed to perfect some hilarious comedy timing!
Class Three
Class 3 have been busy with the run up to Christmas, they have been designing and creating their Christmas cards using different art techniques. In English, the children are building up to write a non-chronological report about Stonehenge, this piece of work is bringing their Stone Age topic to a close. The children are working hard to present their work in the best way possible and adding in all the important features. For Maths, they have started the next unit of work around multiplication. To begin with, they have had to identify groups and arrays to show multiplication alongside seeing the written calculation. It was a busy afternoon of Christmas crafts on Thursday where the children could design a wreath and a calendar for 2025.
Class Four
It has been a busy week in Class 4. In French, Class 4 were learning to ask for different amounts of vegetables from the market using ‘je voudrais’, ‘un kilo de’, ‘un demi kilo de’ and ‘s’il vous plait’. There was some fantastic pronunciation reflecting the knowledge development of the children’s French. In Class 4 this week, the children have been hard at work writing their narrative based on the great kapok tree. They were tasked with including expanded noun phrases, speech, fronted adverbials and prepositions. The children finished their narratives this week with some fantastic final pieces. On Thursday, it was great to welcome parents for our crafting afternoon. The children were finishing their final product for design and technology making their sewn Christmas decorations. All were impressed with the final pieces.
Class Five
Well, Class 5 are well and truly getting into the Christmas spirit, and it all began with a delightful dress rehearsal for our two Nativity performances. The children in Class 5 were simply in awe of our younger pupils, reminiscing fondly about their own time as angels, shepherds, and even sheep! It’s heartwarming to see such cherished memories being shared.
In class, the children completed their fabulous acrostic poems, taking immense pride in their published work. In maths, they have been diving into prime, cube, and square numbers. This sparked some engaging discussions around essential mathematical vocabulary, such as integer and composite numbers.
Their RSHE lesson was particularly special, as the children reflected on what makes them happy. This led to some lovely discussions, with family being at the forefront of everyone’s minds. What a heartwarming reminder of the values we hold dear!
Thursday’s ‘Christmas Craft Afternoon’ was a resounding success with a fantastic turnout! Creativity was in full flow, and miraculously, the glitter remained under control. A massive thank you to everyone who could join Class 5; your support was invaluable, and the children absolutely loved having extra adults in the classroom. We hope you were all thrilled with their marvellous Christmas mason jars – the pride on their faces was truly deserved.
Class Six
This week, Class 6 have loved watching the younger children in their nativity performances and started getting into the festive spirit, with their card making and parent craft afternoon. They have been busy with their fraction unit, dividing fractions by integers. In English they have been reading about the Battle of Britain and writing letters from a soldier's point of view. In computing lessons, they have been building their own websites on Google sites.
Congratulations to our Stars of the Week this week
A special mention to each and every one of the children who took part in the performances this week in Classes R,1,2 – showing such confidence, resilience in learning the songs and lines as well as ‘entertaining’ their audiences. Well done to you all.
Class Three – Eliza
Class Four – Thomas
Class Five – Sophie & Ollie-Tom
Class Six – Zachary
Tidiest Classroom Award:
This week, Caretaker Adele has chosen Class 4
Out of School Achievements
Leo (2) Tennis medal
Lily (R) Discover Award for Gymnastics
Ruby (5) Brownie sash
Nicole (5) 3rd Trampet, 1st Floor and 3rd Overall in a gymnastics competition
Pippa (2) White Belt Stripes in Jujitsu
Willow (1) Primary 2 Dancing Award – tap, modern acro and ballet – in the top 3
Oliver and Georgiano (5) Winning Football League for Worksop Town U10’
Church Services
Sunday 15th December
St Anne’s:
10.30am Nativity, led by Claire
2.00pm Care Home Service
6.00pm StA@6
St Mary’s
4.00pm Carol Service, 9 Carols and Readings – followed by refreshments, mulled wine and mince pies
Wednesday 18th December
3.20pm St Anne's Connect - Family Worship in the school hall with food, games and a time to worship together (Suggested donation to cover costs of £1-£2 per family)
Friday 20th December
3.00pm -5.00pm St Anne's Drop In - in the church hall for Y4 upwards. Crafts, games, tuck and video games. A time to till out after school at the end of the week. All welcome.
Tuesday 24th December – Christmas Eve
St Anne’s
4.00pm Crib Service
Wednesday 25th December – Christmas Day
St Anne’s
10.00am Christmas Day Celebration Service – bring a present to unwrap together and wear a Christmas Jumper
2024 -2025 Attendance |
Class |
Attendance |
R |
97.25% |
1 |
95.86% |
2 |
95.17% |
3 |
91.29% |
4 |
97.74% |
5 |
96.67% |
6 |
93.33% |
95.37% |
Well done Class 4!
Prayer from
The children all looking forward to continuing the festive fun next week with Christmas parties, jumpers, and of course, Mrs Dunnicliffe's splendid Christmas dinner!
With our very best wishes,
Mrs Middleton and the St Anne’s Team
Diary Dates |
INSET DAYS 2024- 25 |
Key Statutory Weeks (Assessment) |
2nd September 2024 27th September 2024 20th January 2025 28th July 2025 29th July 2025 |
Year 6 SATS – 12th May -all week Class 1 Phonics - 9th June week Statutory Multiplication Check -2nd to 13th June – Year 4 Please ensure your children are in school during these times. |
Looking Ahead |
December |
17 |
Choir to sing at the Family of Schools Concert at St Anne’s Church 6.30pm |
18 |
Christmas Dinner/Party Day |
20 |
End of term Christingle Service 2pm |
January |
6 |
Children return to school Reception Class – Forest School |
7 |
Class 3 Roman Workshop Trip – in school |
13 |
Class 6 Ancient Maya Visit to school day Reception Class – Forest School |
14 |
Reception Class – Forest School |
16 |
Classes 4 & 5 to Worksop College Apollo 5 Music Workshop Day |
17 |
Y5/6 Group Sportshall athletics |
20 |
22 |
Class 6 Sinfonia Music Workshop Day |
27 |
Reception Class – Forest School |
February |
3 |
Children’s Mental Health week |
4 |
Class 4 visit to Perlethorpe Anglo Saxons/Vikings |
7 |
Book Fair Arrives NSPCC Number Day |
10 |
Pupils & Strategic Committee Governors Meeting |
11 |
Safer Internet Day Parents’ Consultations – child’s progress |
12 |
Parents’ Consultations – child’s progress |
13 |
Class 3 Class Assembly 2.45pm |
14 |
Break up for half term/ Non-Uniform Day |
24 |
Children return Admissions Committee 10am |
27 |
Class 1 Assembly 2.45pm |
March |
3 |
World Book Week |
5 |
Ash Wednesday Service 9am |
6 |
World Book Day |
13 |
Governor’s Finance Committee |
17 |
Year 6 Parents SATS meeting |
25 |
Full Governing Body Meeting 6pm |
27 |
Class 5 Class Assembly 2.45pm |
April |
4 |
Break up for Easter 2pm Easter Service |
May |
16 |
Reception Class – Forest School – pond dipping |