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Week 10 - Autumn Term - 22 November 2024

St Anne’s C of E (A) Primary News

“Developing the whole child, spiritually, mentally and physically in a caring Christian

environment through close links to the Church and Community”

Friday 22nd November 2024

Dear Parents & Carers,

It has certainly been a chilly week, but it hasn’t stopped St Anne’s in its tracks! Monday brought the Fire Service into Reception Class and Class One to support different aspects of their curriculum learning. There was opportunity for parents to look at how maths is taught in school with a well-attended workshop. If you couldn’t attend, you will find the ‘presentation’ and signpost to other resources on the Maths curriculum page on the school website.

Class 3 embedded their learning with their trip to Creswell Crags and yesterday Class 6 performed their class assembly showcasing their learning about World War 2 - it really was a treat.

The full governing body have also met this week to keep up to date with school matters and to report back on their monitoring visits and meetings with subject leaders. 

Snow Fun Day

The snowy weather on Tuesday didn’t stop KS2! Many fantastic snowmen were built.



Don’t worry, KS1 also had fun in the snow! On all snowy days, we do encourage children to have wellies or a different pair of shoes so that they can join their friends on the field – we definitely don’t want any soggy feet!

Engineering Club

The moving vehicle projects are almost complete with the final touches being made to the circuits. The engineers will be testing their vehicle next week and making any necessary adjustments ready for the showcase event on Monday 9th December at 2:30pm.

Advance notice

Kerry from Bassetlaw Behaviour Partnership has been with us twice this week offering support/guidance to parents about a range of matters ranging from sleep to defiant behaviour, offering strategies of support. She will next be with us on the 29th  November at 2pm, do come and join her - there will be tea and biscuits! Thereafter, she will be with us monthly and will offer a range of workshops/consultations as you require – details below.  Please do take advantage of her knowledge and experience in supporting parents/ carers in parenting.


Monday 9 December 9.00-11.00am

Monday 13 January 9.00-11.00am

Monday 10 February 9.00-11.00am

Monday 10 March 9.00-11.00am

Monday 31 March 9.00-11.00am

Monday 28 April 9.00-11.00am

Monday 19 May 9.00-11.00am

Monday 16 June 9.00-11.00am

Monday 14 July 9.00-11.00am



FOSAS (Friends of St Anne’s School – PTA)

It’s that special time of year!! Next Thursday at 2.30pm, FOSAS will be hosting the Christmas Fair in the school hall. There will be a variety of stalls, refreshments as well as a special visit from the man himself!

There will be a ‘Posh Raffle’ tickets available with some amazing prizes. As always, FOSAS would be grateful for any donations of toys, books, bric-a-brac, bottles etc.

PLEASE support the event and help raise funds which are then used to subsidise school trips as well as additional resources for the children at school.

If anyone has a couple of hours available to help please contact the school office.


ASDA Cash pot for Schools

Just over a week to go! This donation incentive from ASDA closes on the 30th November! Please consider doing your shopping at ASDA and nominating our school. Download the app and select the school, you can shop online or instore.

After School Club

Activities for the week ahead






Autumn pictures collecting items

Biscuit decorating

Connect & games



Looking ahead to Christmas

Is Christmas a struggle for you as a family? We have been contacted by a local charity ‘From the Heart’ who work within the community to ensure children do receive a gift at Christmas time. Please have a word with Mrs Middleton or Mrs Ridout if the school can act on your behalf.


We are venturing into expanding our ‘social media’ profile to Facebook so that we can ensure ‘future’ classes coming through the door. We often are up against a myth ‘that you can’t get into St Anne’s’. Next year is a low birth rate for the September intake so we want to ensure we reach our pupil admission number as the government bases school budgets on pupil numbers.

Our school Facebook book page is St Anne’s C of E Primary and has the school logo as it’s picture.

Learning News from the Classes


This week, Class Reception continued their work on ‘People who help us’ with a visit from the fire brigade. They came in and told them all about the different ways they can help people.  They showed them the protective clothing they wear and let them look around the fire engine.  All the children were able to sit inside and have a go with the hose – the class were very excited and thrilled by the experience.

Class One

Class 1 also welcomed the fire brigade into their class and explored the fire engine, using the hose to spray the trees and grass. The fire fighters then shared with the class a lesson about the ‘Great Fire of London’ linking to the class history topic, sharing key facts and dates, and explaining how the fire service has changed in the last 400 years. 

Class Two

This week, Class 2 have begun rehearsals for the Key Stage 1 nativity.  They have been reading through their lines each day and a few of the children have even memorised them.  Some children have a lot of lines to learn, and they too are working hard. They are also busy learning the songs which are already sounding fantastic.  

Class Three

What an amazing visit Class 3 have had this week, further developing their knowledge and understanding of the ‘Stone Age’, the children took a visit to Creswell Crags. The children got the chance to experience a cave, test their survival skills and created some ‘Stone Age’ art. The children had the opportunity to walk around the centre to see various ‘Stone Age’ artefacts and use them as inspiration for their art activities which involved handprints, engravings, and signs/symbols. In the classroom, the children explored different artefacts and replicas that would have been used in the ‘Stone Age’ from animal fur to tools.  Mr Flockhart said that all the children were great representatives of the school and did themselves proud. The visitor centre staff were blown away with their knowledge during the day.

In other news, Class 3 have been busy publishing their instruction writing that they have been building up in the last few weeks. They have followed the writing process of planning, drafting, editing and improving to now publish their work. The children are hoping to create a booklet all together with a range of instructions for living in the Stone Age.




Class Four

Class 4 have worked incredibly hard on their writing this week. They were tasked with writing a diary entry based on the class text ‘Where the poppies now grow’. They needed to embody the character of Ray and include expanded noun phrases, thoughts and feelings, fronted adverbials and conjunctions in their diary. There were some fantastic pieces of work. In science, Class 4 planned their own investigation this week, by thinking of their own questions and methods to investigate changes in pitch. They used homemade musical instruments and thought carefully about what they wanted to investigate. In RE, Class 4 have been thinking about the question ‘Why do people think life is like a journey?’, they thought carefully about what they wanted their own life journey to look like and the reasons for these choices.

Class Five

What a thrilling week in class! The excitement was kicked off by a delightful flurry of snow on Monday night, which left all the children buzzing with anticipation for a possible snow day.  In Design Technology, the children have been busy perfecting their seasonal soups. This week, they’ve moved on to creating colourful labels for their ‘Chunky Minestrone’ soup. Their creativity is truly inspiring, and Mrs Camish cannot wait to see their final products displayed in the classroom!

In English, they have ventured into the world of diary writing, using the perspective of Tommo from Michael Morpurgo's 'Private Peaceful'. It has been heartwarming to see their personal entries blossom, and I’m delighted to share that some of their published work is currently on show on the English wall outside the school office. It’s a fantastic way to celebrate their efforts!

During PE lessons, they focused on leadership. The children took charge of their own warm-ups in small groups and demonstrated them back to the class. Their ideas were creative and vibrant, but they quickly appreciated just how crucial effective communication is when sharing instructions—it's not as easy as it sounds! Finally, in French, the children enjoyed learning how to talk about their families. They’ve been exploring the differences between singular and plural nouns, and they’ve grasped it brilliantly—C'était très bien indeed! What a week of learning and fun they’ve had!

Class Six

The children have studied newspapers and created their own based on the WWII evacuation. Children have started their fractions unit in maths and can now order and compare fractions with different denominators. Children have also had a go at drawing from a two-point perspective as they continued to study Henry Moore and his sculptures in art. Class six also worked hard all week on their class assembly to show off all their learning from this term. In computing they are learning how to design and create websites and in science they can demonstrate how light travels. 

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week this week

Class Reception – Belle & Elsie

Class One – Charlotte & Amilia

Class Two – Lilly & Daniel

Class Three – George H & Daisy

Class Four – Reggie

Class Five – Lailah

Class SixIsobel

Lunch time Stars

Rosie (6) for being a great friend!

Thomas (6) for his maturity in the playground and being a St Anne’s superstar!

Tidiest Classroom Award

Caretaker Adele has chosen Class 6 and Class 3.

Gymnastic Awards

Explore Apparatus Level 2

Laurel (3), Liliana (3), Dana (3) and Ella (3)

Out of School Achievements

Oliver (3) – Player of the match at a recent Worksop Town game

Lilly (R) – Puffin & Stage 1 swimming award

Harper (6) gave us an update on her guide dog Bramble and there is a new one too!

Church Services

Sunday 24th November

9am Holy Communion with Rev Dave and Claire, followed by shared refreshments.

10.30am STA@10 with Claire a service for all ages

6pm STA@6 with Satya informal worship and prayer.

Wednesday 27th November

3.20pm St Anne's Connect - Family Worship in the school hall with food, games and a time to worship together (Suggested donation to cover costs of £1-£2 per family)

Friday 29th November

3.00pm -5.00pm St Anne's Drop In - in the church hall for Y4 upwards. Crafts, games, tuck and video games. A time to till out after school at the end of the week. All welcome.

Advance Notice

Saturday 30th November -10.30am to 2pm St Anne’s Church Christmas fair in the church hall.

2024 -2025 Attendance



















Coughs and sickness have hit school this week and some didn’t come to school when it was snowing on Tuesday. This is reflected in the class figures this week – let’s see if we can improve the figures in the coming week.

We can administer over the counter medicine in school with parental permission, if your child is recovering from a bout of illness.

Prayer from Alex (6) and Harper (6)

Dear Lord, help us to care about our world and help peacemakers care about our children. Amen

Dear God, please help us to forgive and we ask for peace in the world. Amen

With our very best wishes,

Mrs Middleton and the St Anne’s Team.

Diary Dates

INSET DAYS 2024- 25

Key Statutory Weeks (Assessment)

2nd September 2024

27th September 2024

20th January 2024

28th July 2024

29th July 2024

 Year 6 SATS – 12th May -all week

Class 1 Phonics - 9th June week

Statutory Multiplication Check -2nd to 13th June – Year 4

Please ensure your children are in school during these times.

Looking Ahead



Reception & Year 1 to Perlethorpe Nativity visit

KS1 Gym Festival 9.45-11.45 Retford Gymnastics Club


FOSAS Christmas Fair 2.30pm



BPBP Workshop 2pm



Year 3 Jingle Jog @ Sherwood Pines

Consultation for parents on Relationships, Sex Education materials used in school. 9am and 3.30pm


Class 4 Assembly 2.45pm

KS2 Movie Mob collection 5.30pm Harrington Street


Year Reception Nativity 9.30 am (45mins) School Hall

Y1 & Y2 Performance 2.00 pm (1hr) St Anne’s Church Hall


Y1 & Y2 Performance 9.30 am (1hr) St Anne’s Church Hall

Year Reception Nativity 2.00pm (45mins) School Hall


Choir to sing at the Family of Schools Concert at St Anne’s Church


Christmas Dinner/Party Day


End of term Christingle Service 2pm

Keep checking the dates, as we will add to them as the term goes on and there will be more information to follow about certain events.