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Week 5 - Autumn Term - 4 October 2024

Friday 4th October 2024

Dear Parents & Carers,

The weather wasn’t kind to us at the start of the week and children have been ready to run off their energy as it has started to brighten up! Thank you to all of you who were able to join us for the ‘Harvest Festival’ celebration on Tuesday afternoon and thank you for your generosity in supporting the local ‘Hope’ charity.

We hope that those children who were fortunate to have a new book from the ‘Book Fair,’ enjoy their new purchase. As a headteacher, I am passionate about reading and every house should contain books. Please encourage your child to look on the bookshelf in the main entrance at our ‘gifted’ books, they are free to take home!  We even have a book exchange in the staff room! As the nights are drawing in, please find time to enjoy a story with your child.

Parents Evenings

We certainly had a challenge with the technology that sits behind the website this week as we worked with the new provider to ‘iron out’ the glitches in our online booking system.

All parents now have the facility to book an appointment to see their child’s teacher next week (you need to follow the link and create a password which gives you access to the online booking). As you will be aware the appointments are time restricted and should you need longer, we ask that you arrange a further appointment with the teacher so that other parents are not sat waiting beyond their appointment time.

Learning for your child is a partnership between home and school. You have all received your child’s curriculum letter for the term, outlining the learning expectations and curriculum coverage. Please encourage your child to talk about their learning.

Pupil Premium Funding

This is a support system to families who fulfil a set of criteria (see the link below which is also on the pinboard in the office reception area).  It provides schools with additional funding.  Even if your child is in EYFS or KS1 and receiving universal free school meals, you may still be eligible for pupil premium funding. Children who are in receipt of pupil premium funding, also currently receive subsidised school trips and music lessons.

To check eligibility, please click on the following link:

After School Club

The club runs every day until 5.30pm. Booking closes on a Thursday at 4pm for the following week. We ask that sessions are booked and paid for in advance. For those that use the ‘voucher’ scheme, we ask that you inform the office of the sessions you require for the following week, as there is a natural delay between the systems.

Activities Theme:







Ball Skills

Connect & Games

Relay Games

Autumn Scavenger Hunt

Do you have/know a child due to start school in September 2025?

Please be encouraged to telephone the office to make an appointment to have a visit around school.

Sporting news

The rain has played havoc with our fixtures this week and we had to call off Tuesday’s match to ensure the health and safety of all.

The boys football team drew against Priory Academy 4-4 last night. Our goal scorers were Jacob and Edward – 2 goals each!

Learning News from the Classes


This week Class Reception have been reading the story ‘Oliver's Vegetables’. In class they have had some real vegetables that they have named, described, and used to make some vegetable pictures.  They did a fantastic job in their first ‘Harvest Festival’ singing their two songs. 

Class One

As part of RE, Class 1 have been talking about ‘Harvest Festival’. They thought about the things they love in our world, and what we should be thankful for at this time of the year. They drew pictures and wrote about what they are thankful for, they added each item to a harvest plate and decorated this with tissue paper and pictures of vegetables. The children drew on real life experiences, thinking about visits to the farm and the machines they have seen, and talking about where their food comes from.

Class Two

This week Class 2 have created artwork for the ‘Harvest Festival’. They have been learning how to blend with pastels in art and have used this skill to create a picture of the Harvest Moon.  During RE the children have learnt all about this Christian celebration and the significance of the Harvest Moon.

Class Three

Class 3 have been busy this week building their vocabulary in English to write descriptively for a narrative. In maths, the children have started the next block of addition and subtraction. They are using their place value skills to answer a variety of questions. The children have created some amazing acrostic poems for the Harvest service, each child played a key role in coming up with ideas, writing and presenting. We were so pleased with Class 3 and their efforts for Harvest. In our RE work, the children have been exploring the stories of Noah and Abraham and their link to Christianity, we are so lucky to have Claire helping us from Church!

Class Four

Class 4 put on a fantastic performance in their harvest festival. A big thank you for the kind donations. In geography, class 4 were using an atlas to locate the rivers of South America before plotting them accurately on a map. They then extended their learning by researching the lengths of the river.  In maths, class 4 have begun to tackle methods of addition. They have used column method to add two 4-digit numbers including an exchange. During class 4’s swimming lesson it was a pleasure to see the children working hard on their stroke technique and developing their confidence of swimming in the deep end. In science, the children made their final observations of their tooth experiment and found that the eggs in the milk and water had no damage and that the eggs in the orange juice and cola had the most damage due to the sugar content.

Class Five

This week, Class 5 made a thrilling transition from exploring the Mars Rover to diving into the inspiring story of "Hidden Figures". The children have been utterly captivated by the tale of three exceptional African American women who played a pivotal role at NASA during one of history's most exciting chapters: The Space Race. It’s heartening to see them engage so passionately in discussions about these trailblazing figures and the incredible contributions they made.

Their curiosity about space travel knows no bounds! The children have been eagerly asking questions, wanting to know more about the history of space exploration, and even looking into the lives of other scientists who have made remarkable discoveries. It’s wonderful to witness such enthusiasm for research, and we encourage them to explore these interests further at home.

In art, they have been busy applying their skills by creating their very own landscapes in a range of different media. Mrs Camish is always amazed by their creativity and how they interpret what they’ve learned in such unique ways. 

As they continue their journey into the world of space, we are excited to see where their imaginations will take them next. Here’s to another week of exploration, learning, and creativity in Class 5!

Class Six

Bikeability began in Class 6 this week and the children have loved it! Class 6 have also been busy in writing, creating their own poems for the ‘Wonder Verse’ poetry competition, to celebrate National Poetry Day. Class 6 were also excellent role models at the beginning of the week, during the St Anne's harvest festival. And in true year six style they've had their first mini-SATs assessment to help them get familiar with the layout and expectations of those pesky tests; they should be pleased with their achievement.

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week this week

Class Reception – Lilly & Wilf

Class One – Jack & Archie

Class Two – Colin

Class Three – Oliver & Mia

Class Four – Ewan

Class Five – Hooriah & Abigail

Class Six Lewis K


Lunch time Stars:

Emma (2) nominated by Mrs Dunnicliff

Tidiest Classroom Award:

Class 6

Out of School Achievements:

Nicole (5) - Stage 10 swimming

Emily (4) Stage 9 & 10 swimming

Harriet R (5) taking part in a Worksop Dolphins Gala coming away with a gold, silver and three bronze in her races as well as achieving four personal bests!

Oliver (5) – Player of the Match for Worksop Town playing in defence.

Jack (5) – Player of the Match Dinnington Rugby Club

Church Services

Sunday 6th October

10.30am Harvest Festival Flag Service led by Claire

6.00pm Informal Service of Worship & Word led by Rev Edith

Wednesday 9th October

3.20pm St Anne's Connect - Family Worship in the school hall with food, games and a time to worship together (Suggested donation to cover costs of £1-£2 per family)

Friday 11th October

3.00pm -5.00pm St Anne's Drop In - in the church hall for Y4 upwards. Crafts, games, tuck and video games. A time to till out after school at the end of the week. All welcome.

2024 -2025 Attendance

















ALL 95.3%

Prayer from Lewis K (6)

Dear God

As we think about Harvest, thank you for all that we are given. Amen

With our best wishes,

Mrs Middleton & the St Anne’s Team

Diary Dates

INSET DAYS 2024- 25

Key Statutory Weeks (Assessment)

2nd September 2024

27th September 2024

20th January 2024

28th July 2024

29th July 2024

 Year 6 SATS – 12th May -all week

Class 1 Phonics - 9th June week

Statutory Multiplication Check -2nd to 13th June – Year 4

Please ensure your children are in school during these times.

Looking Ahead



Roald Dahl Day


Governor’s Admission Meeting


Accelerated Reader Meeting’ for Year 3 parents 2.45pm


Height and Weight Measure – Reception and Year 6


Flu Vaccinations


McMillan Coffee Afternoon – School Hall 2pm

Travelling Book Fair Arrives




Phonics Workshop for Reception Parents 2.45pm

Meeting for Year 5 Parents re: Residential 3.30pm and 5pm



Individual photos

2pm Harvest Festival Service in Church 2pm – All welcome.


Red card to Racism – Wear red day


Year 6 - Level 2 Bikeability – more information to follow


Parents Evenings


Year 6 National Holocaust Centre visit to school       


Year 5 Residential to Hathersage


Governor’s Strategic Development Meeting


Balance bikes – reception

Year 4 to Perlethorpe visit


Last day before half term






Return to school


Year 1 Emergency Services Museum visit

Year 2 Victorian Classroom visit


Remembrance – service 10.45 tbc

Anti-bullying Week

Year 6 Residential


Class 5 trip to Perlethorpe River


Governor’s Finance Committee


Children in Need Day


Parent Workshop - Maths!


Year 3 to Creswell Craggs

6pm Full governors


Class 6 Class Assembly 2.45pm


Reception & Year 1 to Perlethorpe Nativity visit



Class 4 Assembly 2.45pm

Year 3 Jingle Jog


Christmas Dinner Day


End of term Service 2pm

Keep checking the dates, as we will add to them as the term goes on and there will be more information to follow about certain events.