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Religious Education

Welcome to Religious Education at St Anne's!


“St Anne’s is a school that lives out its vision and values. ‘The school invest in our families – all work together as one’ explained one parent. As a consequence this Christian community enables all to prosper, knowing that they are loved by God and each other.”

SIAMS 2019

“Extremely strong, mutually beneficial links with the local church contribute significantly to the school’s distinctive Christian character. They impact positively on the spiritual life of all members of the school family.”

SIAMS 2019

“Consistently outstanding teaching challenges and supports pupils’ exploration of religious beliefs and practices.”

SIAMS 2019



Quality Christian Worship and RE are valued and are an essential part of the school curriculum.  Through both RE and Collective Worship the children will gain a sound knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith.  They are given opportunity to explore their own thoughts and feelings.


 With the support of the locally agreed syllabus and units from the ' Understanding Christianity' resource to further deepen the children's understanding of Christianity, we aim as a school to give the children the opportunity through RE to learn about, understand and respect other cultures and beliefs.  Questioning and the development of thinking skills will be an important element of the teaching process alongside developing each child’s spirituality within their own context. RE is enhanced through visits and incoming visitors with the anticipation that children gain knowledge and understanding of faiths in our world today. We approach RE in a variety of ways and we feel it is important for our children to ask questions and to learn that we are not all the same but everything we have to say is valued.
The school fosters close links with St Anne’s Church. Rev Dave and Clare Bishop lead worship once a week; worship on other days is led by a member of the teaching staff. 


R.E. is also taught as an integral part of general education, and relates closely to the moral and spiritual “ethos” of the school which permeates all that we do.   The Scheme of  Work illustrates the key religion to be studied within a term and the connections to be made as well as our values on a half termly basis.


The children at St Anne's enjoy learning about other religions and why people choose, or choose not to follow a religion. Through their R.E. learning, the children make links between their own lives and those of others in their community and in the wider world. They develop a broad and balanced understanding and awareness of the world around them; of other people’s cultures and ways of life. Children acknowledge the diversity, religions and beliefs of their local community, and know their own value in adding to this. Children are confident in discussing philosophical questions and know how to be respectful as a listener. They are sensitive to the views and beliefs of others. They know that they are in a community where their own thoughts, views and beliefs are valued and are safe to be shared. Our children leave St. Anne’s with a strong sense of belonging, with the confidence and skills to make decisions, to self-evaluate, and to continue to ask important questions.

Understanding Christianity

The Understanding Christianity materials are intended to support teachers in teaching about Christianity in Religious Education. Its themes offer:


  • A theological and conceptual basis, taking seriously Christian accounts of the ‘big story’ of salvation and the relationship of the reader/pupil to these texts
  • A clear outline of core knowledge ‘building blocks’ in relation to Christianity, to enable teachers to see what pupils should know, understand and be able to do
  • Support for teachers who have little or no theological training, through straightforward essential background information for the teacher about Christian concepts,

    theology and practice;

  • A teaching and learning approach to enable pupils to move from an understanding of the biblical text and how to handle it, to an understanding of what this means for

    Christians within the Church and in Christian living, including opportunities for pupils to examine and evaluate connections between these ideas and the wider world