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Year 6

W/E: 19/07/24

Harper: was exceptional in the play, not only did she fulfil her part as Lofty but she stepped up and learnt another part on the actual night of the show!  Harper is an always child and is always there to lend a hand. Really happy with her this year. She should be so proud of how far she has come.

W/E: 12/07/24

All the children in class 6 have done me proud this week. They all stepped up, they all stayed safe and they all respected instructions and were exemplary in representing St Anne's during both our trips. They were all on time, they were all sensible and they all have a good time without any complaints. The star this week is for the whole of class 6 for being the best they could be!

W/E: 05/07/24

Jake: has had a great week this week, helping out at school, while his peers were on transition. He has researched his new school and is becoming very excited. He helped FOSSAS set up the summer fair and did lots of helpful jobs for me. 

W/E: 27/06/24

Anya: What a week this girl has had. Shining at everything. Her job specification in writing was excellent (particularly her independent edits and improvements).  This was nothing though compared to her efforts on sports day.  She had to run nearly every race (like many members of the class) but at one point I could see she was struggling, and she never showed signs of giving up. Once again demonstrating our St Anne's values of perseverance. I'm so proud of Anya this week!

W/E: 21/06/24

Jude: Setting a great example as always and being so dedicated to his performance in the play. Learning his lines and making everyone laugh. He is a great sport and takes on every challenge presented to him. 

He has also engaged actively in all our lessons this week and helped others. 

W/E: 14/06/24

Dominic: Dom has been working very hard this week on his 3D designs and created an incredible 2D to 3D drawing. He has been exploring nets and measuring and making them in maths in preparation for his final 3D set in art. He has been helpful to his peers and always works hard. 

W/E: 07/06/24

Szymon: has tried hard this week with his reading at home and within school and made great improvement. He has also produced a really good poem this week, which utilised his creative writing to great effect. Keep up the good work Szymon. 

W/E: 24/06/24

Frances: Excellent attitude and contributions to class discussion. During our whole class reading, Frances has been fully immersed and engaged in making great predictions and finding connections based on the clues the author has left. Frances also steps up and becomes a team leader to ensure the tasks that are set are completed to a high standard. This week she asked and answered insightful questions during RE. Keep it up Frances you really are a star pupil. 

W/E: 17/05/24

All of Year 6: Not one person deserves to be singled out of year 6 this week as they have all done an amazing job! To me, they are all stars this week!  As each of you stand there you should know how proud I am of all of you for giving it your all, and being the best you, you can be. It has been a challenging week for all of you and you've overcome so much. Well done year 6. Y ou should be very proud of yourselves as this week you have demonstrated so many of our values.  Perseverance, kindness towards each other, patients, resilience, respecting the rules of the test.  A shout out to all the staff involved too.  More importantly, the children have been wonderful and have the best chance of success. Thank you!

W/E: 10/05/24

Tom: He has been incredible during the build up to the SATS. Not only has he moved his own learning on, he has supported others and helped explain what to do, especially in maths. Tom's ability to articulate his learning to others is incredible, and he is happy to share his knowledge with others. Well done Tom! 

W/E: 03/05/24

Mia-Angel: has really impressed me over the last few weeks, in her learning. I am so proud of how hard she is working in order to be the best her, that she can be. She is kind, helpful and considerate of others. She is happy to respond to the advice in order to improve, and she has come such a long way. She has made such good progress, in all her subjects and tries really hard.

W/E: 19/04/24

Noah: has had a positive start to the new term. He has remained focussed, tried hard in lessons and has given some excellent answers in response to this weeks Egyptian reading comprehension. In his maths and SPAG booster he is shining and gaining knowledge and confidence week by week. Keep it up ready to show secondary school what you are capable of. Keep working hard, stay focussed and well done for a great start to the new term. I'm proud of you. 

W/E: 22/03/24

Kuba: has demonstrated maturity and confidence in his maths this week. He has ensured that he completed his own work and then began to assist and support his less confident peers.  His writing is improving, and he is working hard on his targets. I'm pleased with Kuba and how hard he has tried this week. 

W/E: 15/03/24

Spencer: has been making an incredible effort to improve and make progress especially in his maths. He has been putting so much effort in at home and it is obvious, when he's in his booster sessions, how much work he has been doing. During the extra sessions he's been engaged and will even ask me to show him how to work out the ones he is not sure about. I'm really impressed with Spencer this week and he should be proud of himself. 

W/E: 08/03/24

George: has really impressed me this week in design and technology; his make do and mend toy is amazing and very reminiscent of WWII design. George also has a positive attitude towards all of the subject areas and is always willing to give anything a go. He shines in maths and PE, but is making the biggest effort with his writing! I'm so proud of you George and I always appreciate your help in class and around school (especially with paper and PE equipment).

W/E: 01/03/24

Ella: has been working very hard lately, specifically with her writing. She is asking for help and is making fantastic progress. She is attending her booster groups with a positive attitude and fully participating. Ella is a kind, organised, helpful member of the class and it is a pleasure to teach her. Her DT work this week was lovely. I can't wait to see her final product. 

W/E: 02/02/24

James: is star this week for tackling maths and algebra this week with a positive attitude.  It has been a difficult subject, but he has not given up and he has been successful. I'm proud of James this week for the effort he has put in. 

W/E: 26/01/24

Stryder: for amazing peace making with the KS1 children. For a few weeks now I have watched how kind and supportive Stryder is with the younger children, they love playing with him and he always directs them to play nicely. Other members of staff have also commented on how excellent he is with the younger children. Stryder is also doing fantastic work in class; he always contributes to the learning and is beginning to take feedback to help improve his work.  I'm very proud of Stryder.

Jack: was amazing on the school trip! It was an immersive experience and Rob (the leader of the trip) became a Billeting officer, who was VERY stern. Jack was picked on by the Billeting Officer from the moment he stepped off the bus and he handled it with respect and smiles! It did not deter Jack even when he had to pretend to hand wash pants on his own at the front, whilst the other children chanted the instructions to him. He was such a good sport! Well done!

W/E: 19/01/24

Harry: is always working so hard, tries his best, helps others and is always eager to share his ideas and contribute to class. His writing this week has been excellent, he is using the skills he has been taught, to produce quality pieces of writing. He also working very hard in maths and always asks insightful questions in RE. Well done Harry. 

W/E: 15/12/23

Anya: has produced an amazing piece of writing, which has clearly been influenced by her wider reading. Her love of books and story telling really shines through. Not only has she produced her first greater depth piece of work, she has provided other pupils with her support during the editing stage of writing. She is also a polite, hard- working member of the class, who has a great attitude towards her work. Well done Anya. 

W/E: 08/12/23

Taylor: is working so hard at the minute. I want to recognise Taylor's efforts this week.  He is trying his best and his best is always going to be good enough! He is also a great friend to peers and is always polite. Taylor is also growing in confidence in learning and has used some great vocabulary in his writing; he has excellent ideas. He is not afraid to ask for help, when it is needed. He really is a star. 

W/E: 01/12/23

Thea: is an 'always' child. Always works hard, always does her homework, always follows the rules, always demonstrates our values and always produces quality work. Children like Thea could get star of the week every week because she is always wonderful. She is also very supportive of her peers and helps others in learning. 

W/E: 24/11/23

James C: He has had an amazing final week of Class 6 and he has been a star since day one. Good luck James! 

Amelia T: This week she has stepped up in maths and has been determined to tackle complex problems involving fractions and has been happy to ask for help to ensure she gets the work done. She has also produced an amazing piece of art work. 

W/E: 16/11/23

Harry M: has been working so hard at home and in school and has really impressed me with his commitment to improving in all areas of the curriculum (especially his handwriting). Harry has also done an amazing job to learn his part in the class assembly. 

W/E: 10/11/23

Jake: Has produced some amazing art work this week, he has had such a positive attitude towards his learning. 

Max: has really impressed me this week, and made me so proud. He was very unsure about taking part in the bikeability course. In true St Anne's style he persevered in the face of something he wasn't confident with and he ended up having the best two days and really impressing the instructors. He is a true role model who has demonstrated this week how we should all try and tackle things that we find difficult or maybe don't think we would enjoy, because we may end up surprising ourselves in the long run. Well done Max! 

W/E: 13/10/23

Amelia N: Star of the week this week has to be Amelia N, she has embraced every challenge thrown her way on residential. She was well mannered, polite and never complained. She tackled a stay away from home and was very brave, especially when she was stung! The whole staff team are so proud of her and the way she conducted herself. Her quick thinking with some of the brain teasers around the campfire were amazing! 

W/E: 06/10/23

Jude: has been exceptional in his work this week, participating lots in class, always helping others and in Tag Rugby he was a brilliant team player and demonstrated many of the skills that have been taught. I'm also so pleased with how much he helps around the school he really is part of the St Anne's team, we are lucky to have him!

W/E: 28/09/23

Lucy: is constantly shining, but never shouts from the roof tops. She is so humble and so kind and is always on task and doing the right thing. She for sure and 'always' child. She is conscientious and hard working. Her guided reading work on Rain Player has been excellent and her research in science on adaptation is beautifully organised. Keep it up Lucy you are an example of what a year 6 member should be. 

W/E: 22/09/23

Harper: Since the start of term Harper has demonstrated kindness to me and to others. She is always the first to raise her hand and share her ideas and she has produced an amazing poem in writing. I've also been so impressed with her engagement in wider curriculum lessons such as science. She is a real team player. She has also showed kindness and understanding towards another pupil and is looking after them until more familiar with St Anne's. A pleasure to teach! 

W/E: 15/09/23

Jakob: has had a positive attitude and embraced all things year 6. He has also completed excellent partner work and collected the most team points for his team this week.