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Year 4

W/E: 19/07/24

Nicole: has impressed me, not just this week, but all year with the effort she put in to and the content of her writing. Nicole loves writing and I think it’s fair to say that English is one of her favourite lessons. During our English lessons, Nicole always has her hand up to share an idea and when she is writing, is always wanting to do better and improve what she has done. She has a real flair for writing and particularly enjoys our more creative pieces. She has really enjoyed our last piece of writing where we have written a narrative based on Paddington. She carefully thought about her description of the setting and characters and worked hard to incorporate all of her year 4 learning.

W/E: 12/07/24

Wiktoria: has impressed all staff members, not only this week, but throughout the whole of the summer term. She is always the first person to be ready to learn and always tries her best. Wiktoria has been focusing on her handwriting with the goal of getting a pen licence by the end of year 4. She has taken on board feedback from adults and has been concentrating hard during every piece of writing to ensure her handwriting is consistent. Wiktoria is also a kind friend and role model to those around her and we saw this last week during the forest games. Some of her peers were nervous about the activities, particularly the go ape nets adventure. Wiktoria was so supportive, cheering them on, helping them to become more confident and conquering her own fears at the same time. We are really proud Wiktoria, keep up the good work.

W/E: 05/07/24

Jacob: is an always child, always willing to help, always participating in learning and always trying his best. He shows this in every aspect of the school day. This week though, he has earnt his star of the week for two reasons. The first reason is for his fantastic persuasive letter to Henry VIII, where he really thought about the reasons for the letter, how he was going to persuade Henry using persuasive devices and if he had included all of the year 4 expectations. The second reason is for his fantastic learning log entry. Jacob has spent the last few weeks designing and making a Tudor house. Not only is his house decorated in the Tudor style on the outside, but Jacob has spent time researching and making items for the inside. It really is an impressive piece of homework.

W/E: 27/06/24

Emmanuel: has shown real enthusiasm for learning this week. He has been asking every adult that comes into class if he can read to them, and his confidence when speaking aloud is really improving. During learning tasks, Emmanuel is beginning to ask for help when needed and is persevering when he finds the task a challenge. When working as a group with his peers, Emmanuel has been trying hard to join in and use his voice which is great to see.  When writing his set of instructions for his bread making, Emmanuel really thought about the steps needed and tried hard to apply the grammatical features needed. Keep up the good work Emmanuel.

W/E: 21/06/24

Georgiano: always has a smile on his face and is always willing to lend a helping hand, but this week it is his enthusiasm for learning that has earnt him star of the week. In maths this week our learning focus has been time. Georgiano has been determined to master this skill and has been enthusiastically joining in with our learning. When participating in the Road to Paris workshop, Georgiano threw himself in to every activity, wanting to learn how to complete each skill to the best of his ability. Keep up this hardwork Georgiano.

W/E: 14/06/24

Abigail: Abigail is an always child. She always tries her best, is always kind and helpful and always does what is asked of her. This week though, Abigail has impressed with her writing. Year 4’s genre for writing has been instructions focusing on writing a recipe for Tudor gingered bread. Abigail worked hard throughout the build up to our writing which showed within her written piece. She thought carefully about her use of imperative verbs, prepositions and adverbs to make her instructions more detailed and easier for her reader to follow. A big well done Abigail!

A special mention to all of year 4 who have worked extremely hard in the build up to their MTC this week

W/E: 07/06/24

Ollie: has impressed all staff members this week with his enthusiasm for learning and his hard work. Ollie impressed Mrs Storrs with his knowledge in their programming lesson on computing. Ollie has also impressed with his presentation and handwriting, something which he has worked hard on from September. He is now neatly joining his writing, ensuring it is a consistent size. The improvement in his handwriting is huge. Ollie has also worked hard on his timetables, ensuring he knows all of his timetables and is able to answer the questions within 6 seconds. He regularly practices out of school also to maintain his knowledge.  

W/E: 24/05/24

Ethan: We are really proud of the hard work and effort Ethan has put into his learning over the last few weeks. He has been trying hard to put his hand up and get involved in lessons, and as a result his confidence has really grown. When producing work in his book he is really making a conscious effort to think about what he needs to do before having a go, meaning that his answers are carefully thought out. During our class assembly, Ethan was really enthusiastic about playing the role of Henry VIII and worked really hard to learn his line. Keep up the good work.

W/E: 17/05/24

Ava: is an always child, she always has a smile on her face, always works hard and participates in every lesson and could be given star of the week every Friday. She really impressed our visitor from imagination gaming last week. She was enthusiastic to join in the activities, put her hand up to answer every question and when she didn’t quite solve the problem she didn’t sit with a sulky face but laughed it off and worked even harder to solve the next one.  Ava also had time within the problem-solving to correct my mistakes and to tell me how to do it properly.  When I asked Nigel at the end of the workshop who had stood out showing all of the qualities being worked on, Ava was the first name. She also stood out during the girl's football festival last week with her can-do attitude, superb skills and her support towards her peers. We are so proud of the hard work and effort you give every day Ava, keep it up.

Amber: In art, year 4 have continued on the theme of birds and nests, developing their observational drawing skills and using ink to create their artwork. Amber listened carefully to the instructions, firstly using wax to create the details of her nest before accurately adding ink to her page to make details stand out.  She worked slowly and methodically, ensuring that she took her time and worked with care, so that the ink was in the places she needed it to be. This ensured that her work did look like a nest by the end of the lesson.

W/E: 10/05/24

Veda: We are really proud of the effort that Veda has put into the learning of her timetables. She regularly scores 25 out of 25 and can often been seen practising her timetables in readiness for the Year 4 multiplication check. In PE this week, Veda tried really hard to apply a forehand and backhand shot in tennis. She was really focusing on trying to use the correct technique. Keep trying Veda.

W/E: 03/05/24

Ruby: has worked really hard during science this week. She needed to find different ways to group organisms using venn and carroll diagrams. She thought carefully about the labels of the groups before correctly sorting the organisms into those groups. She needed to think about the features of each organism so that she could identify and classify them and apply her knowledge of the commonalities between living things to be able to do this. Keep up the good work.

 Jack: Our theme of worship this term is all about going for gold and showing the Olympic values in all that we do. Jack has really shown these values in the past week, particularly during the rugby festival last week. Jack is a competent rugby player, playing for a team outside of school, however, he used his knowledge not to show off that he was better than everyone else, but to support his peers and try to develop their skills. Mrs Wilkinson was so incredibly impressed with the way that he took one of his classmates aside to help him out when he was finding the skill difficult - taking the time and having the patience to practice and explain the skill. This is exactly the behaviour we want to see in Year 4 and we are so proud that Jack is doing this.

W/E: 19/04/24

Adam: has really impressed me this week with his ability to connect his learning. On a number of occasions this week Adam has been able to link his prior knowledge from across the curriculum, to support his current learning. He has been able to link some of his previous learning of history to our current class text on another period of history. He was also able to use his prior knowledge of maths to support our new learning of decimals. It is excellent to see the connections that Adam is making. Well done.

Keira: has made a fantastic start to the summer term, this is best shown in her attitude to learning and enthusiasm in lessons this week. It has been clear to all the adults this week that Keira has been trying really hard to engage in all areas of the learning. She has been putting her hand up to answer questions, wanting to share her learning and has been working hard to complete all of the learning tasks. In science, when learning about food chains, Keira worked hard to try and include the scientific vocabulary taught when creating her own food chain. Keep up this level of enthusiasm Keira it has been great to see.

W/E: 22/03/24

Jensen: he has been putting lots of effort into his reading, particularly during our end-of-term assessment this week. Jensen's perseverance to improve his reading skill is fantastic.  During his assessment, he took his time, reading the sections of text slowly and carefully to make sure he understood. He then used the taught techniques to find the answer in the text. He carefully considered the question being asked before finding the information that would answer the questions fully, working methodically to do this. Keep up the hard work Jensen.

W/E: 15/03/24

Isaac: As a staff team we are really impressed with the contribution Isaac often makes to his learning. In lessons such as PSHE, science and history, Isaac often provided well thought out and mature answers which contribute and support the learning of others in the class. He quietly considers the topic being discussed before carefully articulating his knowledge and opinions. Mrs Storrs is particularly impressed with the ideas he provides in PSHE. Well done Isaac, keep up the good work.

W/E: 08/03/24

Harriet: This week in design and technology, year 4 were investigating and trying out different mechanical systems, gathering all of the knowledge needed to create their own moving picture book. Harriet listened carefully to the information given about levers and linkages and used this to independently create some different prototypes of sliders, levers and linkages. She was able to correctly position the pivot ensuring that this allowed the movement required and her final prototype was a success. Great work Harriet, I can’t wait to see your final product.

W/E: 01/03/24

Kyla: In English, we have been writing an explanation text using the book ‘how to be a Viking’ as our writing stimulus. Year 4 were tasked with including apostrophes for possession, fronted adverbials punctuated with commas and adverbials of time. Kyla has listened carefully during the input, actively engaging in our shared write and giving lots of fantastic ideas. She then applied this to her independent writing time, making sure that she had included the features of the genre and the writing challenges. Great writing Kyla, keep up the good work.

W/E: 23/02/24

Joshua: I have been really impressed with Joshua’s enthusiasm for learning this week. He has made a real effort to get involved in our learning and has tried to be more confident when putting his hand up to share an answer. He has shown an increase in his perseverance when tasks became difficult, using his prior learning and resources around the classroom to try and support his learning. In Science, he was an expert when identifying solids, liquids and gases based on their properties and was able to sort different objects based on their properties. Well done Joshua.

Liam: really impressed me during our first dance lesson this week. The children were tasked with creating movements based on our stimulus of the Vikings ready to implement these actions within the whole class section of our dance. Liam was enthusiastic, eager to get involved and really embodied the role of a Viking. When performing his movements in the group piece, he listened carefully to the count of 8 to time his actions and thought about different levels that he could incorporate in to his movement. Keep up the good work Liam.

W/E: 02/02/24

Alice: is an enthusiastic learner. She is always one of the first children to have her hand up in the air to answer a question or to share her ideas in group discussions. She participates fully in every lesson and always gives well thought-out detailed learning. She clearly has a love for learning and this is demonstrated everyday with her enthusiasm, perseverance and dedication to the work she is producing. It is fantastic to see the care and love she has for her learning and I hope this continues to grow. Keep up the good work Alice.

W/E: 26/01/24

Ava: has she been actively engaging in every lesson, raising her hand to share her ideas.  She has really worked hard to practice her times tables. Each week Year 4 are set a number of tasks on 'timestable rockstars' aimed at improving speed and accuracy. Not only has Ava been working hard to complete these tasks within school, but she was the only person in the class to complete every task set for the week showing her dedication to her learning and her hard work at home. Keep up the good work Ava.

W/E: 19/01/24

Toby: has been a super learner in all of his lessons and puts his hand up to get involved in lessons. He has worked hard to complete his learning and to extend his learning with a challenge. When attending the VOCES8 workshop on Tuesday, he joined in with every aspect of the day and wowed the audience and staff during the evening concert with his singing and dance moves. Keep up the good work Toby.

W/E: 15/12/23

Lailah: I cannot begin to express what a superstar Lailah is. She is an always child. She always gives her best in every lesson, she always wants to learn and she is always kind and helpful. It has been a real pleasure to see her flourish in year 4 this term and I can't wait to see the learning she completes after Christmas. Keep up the good work Lailah.


Nicole: This week in English, year 4 have been writing their own narrative based on the book the great kapok tree. They were tasked with describing the characters, setting and including speech. Nicole rose to this challenge. She thought carefully about what she had been taught in previous weeks before applying this to her narrative. Upon completing the beginning of her narrative she proudly came to read me her work before confidently reading her paragraph to her peers. We were all very impressed with the expanded noun phrases that she had used to describe the rainforest. I can’t wait to read the rest of her work.

W/E: 01/12/23

Henry: I have been so proud of Henry over the last few weeks. He has been working so hard in all aspects of his learning, but particularly in English. Over these last few weeks Henry has had a real can-do attitude and this is really showing in the work he is producing. He is listening carefully during the input to ensure that he understands what to do and then double checks with an adult if he isn’t sure. Over this last week, Henry has written some fantastic expanded noun phrases and has accurately punctuated direct speech. I can’t wait to read his narrative next week. Well done Henry.

Emmanuel: We are really pleased to welcome Emmanuel to class 4, he has settled in really well to the class and has overcome his nerves. On Monday, he bravely joined in with the swimming lessons for the first time and has been tackling every task with a smile on his face.

W/E: 24/11/23

Sophie: This half term in English, Year 4 have used the book ‘Where the poppies now grow,’ as a stimulus to write their own diary entries from the perspective of one of the characters. Sophie has listened carefully in every aspect of the learning journey to ensure that she included the grammatical features in her writing. She made sure to include expanded noun phrases to add detail and thoughts and feelings to describe how the character would have been feeling. I was really impressed with her finished diary. Well done Sophie.

W/E: 17/11/23

Georgiano: We have been really impressed with Georgiano this week. He has been working hard in all lessons, trying to complete his work independtly but still remembering to ask for help when needed. In design and technology, Mrs Wilkinson couldn’t believe the difference in him from when he did sewing in year three. She said that he had a real can do attitude and that when it went a little wrong he didn’t give up. This meant that he was able to demonstrate four different stitches. Keep up the good work.

W/E: 10/11/23

Abigail: What a super-star Abigail is! She has worked incredibly hard this week, particularly in design and technology. Year 4 were practicing the technique for different stiches to develop their sewing skills. Abigail was really keen to give this a try and showed great enthusiasm to not only perfect her work, but also to support her peers. She was a whizz at threading hers and others needles and then showed great skill and precision when practicing each stitch. I look forward to seeing her finished product. Not only has Abigail impressed in design and technology but also in her work after school. She has produced a book all about Japan and Japanese culture which she then brought in to share with the class. It was fantastic to see how proud she was of her culture and the rest of the class were fascinated to hear all of the information shared.

W/E: 13/10/23

Ethan: What a superstar! I have been so impressed with Ethan in English this week. We have been writing a non-chronological report about the digestive system and Ethan used the knowledge he had developed in our science lessons to help him with his writing. He was enthusiastic to contribute to class discussions and then sat and worked independently to write his report. He worked hard to include his technical vocabulary and all of the knowledge he had developed. A fantastic piece of writing. Well done Ethan.

Wiktoria: The year 4 team have been so impressed with Wiktoria over the last few weeks with her progress in swimming. Wiktoria’s group have been learning to push and glide on their front and back and learning backstoke. Initially, Wiktoria was very nervous and wasn’t confident when swimming on her back. But she has persevered over the last few weeks and can now push and glide and swim on her back. We are so proud of the can do attitude that she has shown, always giving it a go despite being nervous in the water. Keep up the good work.

W/E: 06/10/23

Ollie Tom: worked really hard in PE this week, perfecting his passing technique in basketball. We have learnt 4 different passes (chest pass, bounce pass, shoulder pass and overhead pass) in our lessons and have needed to remember the correct technique for each of them. Ollie worked hard to apply the technique demonstrated in the input ensuring that the pass to his partner was as technically accurate as possible. He was not only able to show these passes in isolation, but was also able to apply these to a mini game. He learnt that he needed to think carefully about who to pass for, looking for the player that was in the space so that the pass was more successful. Keep up the good work.

W/E: 29/09/23

Harriet: for her fantastic newspaper report. Harriet worked really hard on her writing this week. She listened carefully during the planning process and shared write and used this knowledge to support the writing process. She made sure to include fronted adverbials, direct speech and reporter vocabulary in her newspaper. During the editing process she worked hard with her learning partner to make the best improvements she could. She should be really proud of the piece she produced.

W/E: 22/09/23

Jacob: What a start Jacob has made. He is an absolute superstar. In every learning task he gives 100%. He ensures his work is neatly presented, he puts his hand up to contribute to learning tasks and he always wants to know what he can do to make his work even better. He always has a smile on his face and his can-do attitude makes him a pleasure to have in class four.

W/E: 15/09/23

James: I have been so impressed with the start that James has made to year 4. Not only has he impressed me with his mature attitude to life in class 4 but also the effort he has put in to his learning, particularly in the learning of his times tables. The first time James did his timestables, he found them a little challenging. However, he didn’t let this stop him, he went home, practiced with his brothers and then used this to impress both myself and Mrs Wilkinson during our practice time. Keep up the good work James.