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Week 1 Autumn Term - 6 September 2024

St Anne’s C of E (A) Primary News

“Developing the whole child, spiritually, mentally and physically in a caring Christian

environment through close links to the Church and Community”


Friday 6th September 2024

Dear Parents & Carers,

Welcome back to the 2024/25 academic year. We hope that you had a pleasant summer breaks and that your children are refreshed ready for the year ahead.

A very warm welcome to all our new children who have joined our St Anne’s family. We hope the journey with us will enable your child to grow into a caring and successful individual who is ready to tackle anything that comes their way. A warm welcome to Mr Flockhart in Class 3 and to Mrs Unwin who is also one of the TA team in Class 3.

Year 6 Leaders

Our Class 6 leaders are in place, and this is how the year ahead looks:

House Captains:

Southwell:  Thomas & Isobel                         Lincoln: Violet & Edward

Lichfield:    Rosie & Darcie                            York: Mia & Zachary


Ambassadors:        Lewis A & Amelia

Welcome Team:     Amelia & Nadia

Librarians:               Frankie, Rosie, Sophie, Poppy, Billy

Computer Team:    Lewis K, Aleksander, Harry, Dayna, Harper, Billy

Worship Group:      Olivia & Holly

Lunchtime Team:   Sophie, Holly, Darcie, Aylin, Harper, Poppy, Amelia, Frankie,   

                                 Nadia & Dayna   

School Council:

Class One:               Florence & Kaydence

Class Two:               Isla & Teddy

Class Three:            Charlie & Eliza

Class Four:              Phoebe & Flynn

Class Five:               Adam & Hooria

Class Six:                 Frankie & Olivia

Contact Details

You received an email before we broke up with a link to update your contact details held in school. We are still awaiting quite a number of responses so please can you ensure that you have updated your details:

Emergency contacts need to be kept up to date too, and we need to have 3 contacts. For all enquiries, the school’s main email contact is

After School Club

The club runs every day until 5.30pm. Booking is on and closes on a Thursday at 4pm for the following week. We ask that sessions are booked and paid for in advance. Thank you.

School residentials

It won’t be too long before our Year 5 children go on their residential to Hathersage just before the half term break. We are excited by how the residential will bring the geography curriculum to life with lots of activities and fieldwork planned.

A little later in the term Class 6 will be travelling to Caythorpe for an outdoor adventure residential.

Please ensure that all payments are promptly made for this.


Children in Class Reception, Year 1 and 2 are all provided with a piece of fruit free of charge for morning snack.  Ay child in school can bring a fruit snack into school. Please remember we are NUT FREE due to children in school with nut allergies.

When a child moves into Year 3, they, like the rest of KS2 can have a teacake /crumpet. This must be pre-ordered and paid for through – you must ensure that you follow the booking for ‘morning’ and ‘book meals and places’ and get to the place where you click on Crumpet or Teacake each day. 

Staff Vacancies

We have a vacancy for a ‘supply’ lunchtime supervisor.  This would be a position which would be ‘ad hoc’ to cover any absence. If you are interested, please pop into the school office and have a word with Miss Fenton, Office Manager.


Unfortunately, we live in a world where things go wrong. If we have a safeguarding concern about your child, we will speak to you.  Please do not be offended by this. The safety of your child is extremely important to all of us here at St Anne’s.

Important Attendance Update

As a school, we encourage good attendance as a school community.

We will need to have a reason for all absences so please ensure you contact the school on each day of your child being absent.  If there are regular absences, we may require medical evidence, but we will write to you about this.

Penalty Notice Fines for School Attendance – Update 2024

You will have seen a lot of media reporting about school attendance in recent months. Due to the introduction of ‘The National Framework for Penalty Notices’, the following changes have come into force.  We are awaiting further updates from Nottinghamshire County Council as they process the fines. Any monies from the fines stays within the County Council and does not come to the school. It is used to support their strategy to support good attendance in its schools.

Per Parent, per child – Penalty notice fines will now be issued to each parent, for each child that was absent. E.g.: 3 siblings absent for term time leave, would result in each parent receiving 3 separate fines. The first time a penalty notice is issued for term time leave of irregular attendance the amount will be £160 per parent, per child if this is paid within 28 days. If paid within 21 days, it will be reduced to £80.

5-consecutive days of term time leave – penalty notices will be issued for term time leave of 5 or more consecutive days.


The holiday patterns for Nottinghamshire are available on the Notts County Council website.


We ask parents to administer as much medicine as they can at home. If you wish us to administer medicine to your child, please complete a medication form which is available from the front office. Just ask a staff member for a copy of the form.

A request from the Midday Team

If your child no longer plays with dolls or cars and they are lying around in a dark cupboard, we would appreciate any donations for our younger children to play with.

Book bags - £4 school office

Church Services

Sunday 8th September

9.00am Holy Communion

10.15ish Service for All Ages

6.00pm Informal Service of Worship & Word

Wednesday 11th September

3.20pm St Anne's Connect - Family Worship in the school hall with food, games and a time to worship together (Suggested donation to cover costs of £1-£2 per family)

Friday 13th September

3.00pm -5.00pm St Anne's Drop In - in the church hall for Y4 upwards. Crafts, games, tuck and video games. A time to till out after school at the end of the week. All welcome.

We love to hear about ‘ex-St Anne’s pupils’ and their achievements. There has been a flurry of commendable exam results for GCSE’s and A ‘levels this year – well done to all.


2024 -2025 Attendance
















88.0%    ALL 95.9%

And finally, the ‘Travelling Book Fair’ will be with us from the 26th of September for a week. Take a look at the array of books available on their website under the parent’s tab –

You can purchase pre-paid gift vouchers as well as pay securely at Children can create a wish list too. The fair will be available each morning/after school in the main lobby of school.

A prayer for the year ahead

Dear God,

We ask that you give the children of St Anne’s peace and courage as they begin a new year of classes.

Surround them with supportive and encouraging friends. Bless their hard work over the coming months. Surprise them with unexpected moments of joy. Raise up this next generation of leaders and may they reflect your love to those around them. Amen

With our best wishes,

Mrs Middleton & the St Anne’s Team

Diary Dates

           INSET DAYS 2024- 25

Key Statutory Weeks (Assessment)

2nd  September 2024

27th  September 2024

20th January 2024

28th July 2024

29th July 2024

 Year 6 SATS – 12th May -all week

Class 1 Phonics - 9th June week

Statutory Multiplication Check -2nd to 13th June – Year 4

Please ensure your children are in school during these times.


Looking Ahead





Children Return


Y4 - Swimming starts


Roald Dahl Day


Governor’s Admission Meeting


Accelerated Reader Meeting’ for Year 3 parents 2.45pm


Flu Vaccinations


McMillan Coffee Afternoon – School Hall 2pm




Phonics Workshop for Reception Parents 2.45pm

Meeting for Year 5 Parents re: Residential  3.30pm and 5pm



Individual photos

2pm Harvest Festival Service in Church 2pm – All welcome.


Red card to Racism – Wear red day


Year 6 - Level 2 Bikeability – more information to follow


Parents Evenings


Year 6 National Holocaust Centre         


Year 5 Residential to Hathersage


Governor’s Strategic Development Meeting


Balance bikes – reception

Year 4 to Perlethorpe


Last day before half term






Return to school


Year 1 Emergency Services visit


Remembrance – service 10.45 tbc

Anti-bullying Week

Year 6 Residential


Class 5 trip to Perlethorpe


Governor’s Finance Committee


Children in Need Day


Parent Workshop - Maths!


Year 3 to Creswell Craggs

6pm Full governors


Class 6 Class Assembly 2.45pm


Reception & Year 1 to Perlethorpe Nativity



Class 4 Assembly 2.45pm

Year 3 Jingle Jog


Christmas Dinner Day


End of term Service 2pm

Keep checking the dates, as we will add to them as the term goes on and there will be more information to follow about certain events.