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Year 5

W/E: 19/07/24

It is impossible to choose just one star this week because I am proud of each and every one of the children in class 5. They have had such a busy week filled with high pressure and demands, and I am amazed at how well they have coped. The end of the academic year is always a challenging period - last-minute tasks, finalising work, assemblies, visitors, and whole school events all add to the already heavy schedule. However, the children have handled these responsibilities exceptionally well, surpassing my expectations. 

On Wednesday morning, the class became young leaders and visited the Old Vicarage Care Home to deliver a variety of fun activities to the residents. They motivated the residents to play balloon tennis, boccia, dominos, skittles, and got all crafty when making jewellery. Their big finale impressed all with a perfect acapella rendition of two favourite songs from their show.

The highlight, however, has to be the two performances of "Pirates of the Curry Bean". The children dazzled on stage, wowed the audience with remembering their lines and looked every inch their characters in their fabulous outfits.

Their resilience, dedication, and ability to thrive under pressure are truly commendable. I have no doubt that these experiences will not only benefit them academically but will also help shape them into well-rounded individuals as they progress into year 6.

From your very proud teacher, Mrs Camish.

W/E: 05/07/24

Lewis K: I have several reasons for choosing him. The first is for his work in maths. He recently tackled adding and subtracting decimals with varying decimal places like a pro. He has also breezed through the negative numbers block. His confidence has been sky-high, which really puts a smile on my face. I have noticed such a dramatic improvement in his love for English as the year has progressed. Lewis is now taking so much pride in crafting and publishing his work and has produced some wonderful pieces - a favourite of mine, however, has to be his explanation text on the Battle of Marathon. He's becoming a natural wordsmith who thrives in the writing process, relishing the freedom to let his thoughts and ideas soar.

In the Young Leaders Award, Lewis has shown outstanding dedication. He went above and beyond, completing numerous Archie Challenges at home. I eagerly await the photos each week and particularly liked the one of him reading to his sister and whipping up a storm in the kitchen for his family – talk about a well-rounded individual!

Kindness radiates from Lewis; he will always lend a helping hand, no task too daunting for him and he is a true team player. It's clear that nothing is ever too much trouble for this remarkable young learner. He shone at Sports Day by volunteering to help other house teams. Such sportsmanship! Keep up the fantastic work, Lewis – the future is undoubtedly bright with you leading the way!

Poppy and Frankie:  This week, these two young ladies have really stood out for being incredibly helpful and considerate. They are just like rays of sunshine, always ready to brighten up someone's day.

These girls never seem to run out of time when it comes to helping others. Whether it's lending a hand to children or grown-ups around the school, they do it with big smiles on their faces. Last week, not only did they impress me, but they also wowed everyone at the FOSAS Talent Show with their outstanding performances. Talk about going the extra mile!

Inside the classroom, they're just as amazing. There's no task too big for them, and they're quick to volunteer for anything – from handing out books to collecting work and even recording team points. It's like they have a superpower for spotting where help is needed before anyone else even realises it.

Yesterday, I had a proud teacher moment when so many members of the class helped with our two stalls at the Summer Fair - these two girls helped from start to finish. Taking money, promoting the stalls, encouraging other children on the Hook a Duck. They also helped to tidy up afterwards. They carried tables and chairs back into classrooms, put rubbish in the bin - less glamorous jobs but equally important. It's moments like this that truly make teaching worth it, seeing the children take responsibility and work together. So proud of them!

Keep shining bright, girls – the school is lucky to have you!

W/E: 27/06/24

Nadia: I am delighted to announce that Nadia has been chosen as our 'Star of the Week'. Throughout this week, she has truly impressed us in numerous ways.  Nadia consistently embodies the values of St Anne's School, demonstrating exceptional perseverance and respect in all aspects of her learning.

During Tuesday's sports day, Nadia truly shone as a superstar. Not only did she perform exceptionally well in her events, but she also selflessly stepped in to compete on behalf of her peers who were unable to participate. Her courage and determination on the field earned her the respect and admiration of all her classmates.

In the classroom, Nadia's dedication and talent were equally apparent. In a writing task where students were required to craft letters of application to the Greek God Zeus, Nadia stood out with her eloquent and persuasive writing style. Her adept use of subordinate clauses to provide detailed support for her main arguments showcased her advanced writing skills.

Furthermore, Nadia's exemplary behaviour extends beyond the academic realm.  Her calm and courteous demeanour, evident in her interactions with both peers and teachers, reflects her genuine kindness and consideration for others. I am particularly appreciative of her small gestures, such as checking in on me and exchanging "hellos" in the corridor, which never fail to brighten my day.

It is clear that respect is a core value that Nadia upholds with sincerity. Her consistent display of respect towards others, coupled with her super personal qualities, make her truly deserving of this week's recognition. Congratulations, Nadia, on a well-deserved achievement!

W/E: 21/06/24

Harry: is the epitome of a happy learner, spreading joy with his infectious smile that brightens up our classroom every single day. 

Harry deserves a special shout out for his dedication to improving his reading skills. This year has seen remarkable progress. Just yesterday, he confidently read a section of our class book aloud to his peers, showcasing how far he'd come.

Mrs Sprigg was particularly impressed with Harry's positive approach to his morning interventions and his commitment to practising his times tables on Times Table Rockstars.  His hard work is paying off, with noticeable improvements in his fluency and quicker problem-solving skills in maths.  

Keep up the fantastic work, Harry! Your growth and enthusiasm for learning are truly commendable. Congratulations on being our shining 'Star of the Week'! 🌟         

W/E: 14/06/24

Isobel N: This young lady is a real shining example of our St. Anne's values in action! She not only embodies our values but also unconsciously showcases them each and every day. Her approach to learning is nothing short of extraordinary.

What sets her apart and earns her this well-deserved recognition is her unwavering enthusiasm to participate, answer questions, and generously share her wealth of knowledge. Just the other day on Monday, as we delved into the captivating world of Greek Gods and Goddesses, her eyes lit up with excitement. It was contagious! She wholeheartedly immersed herself in the group task, where we were creating life-sized posters of our chosen deity. Her enthusiasm and passion for the topic breathed life into the project, making it a truly engaging and memorable experience for all involved.

It is moments like these that remind us why we are so passionate about teaching and learning. This young lady's curiosity, eagerness to engage, and positive attitude are not only inspiring but also set a remarkable example for her peers. She embodies the essence of what it means to be a true star pupil at St. Anne's.

Congratulations, keep shining brightly and continue to inspire us all with your infectious love for learning.

Well done Isobel!

W/E: 07/06/24

Rosie: can always been seen to be upholding the values of St Anne’s. Since returning after half-term, she has continued to impress us with her attitude in all curriculum areas. Her positive attitude means she is never phased, she just takes things in her stride, listening in learning time and taking any advice she is given on board.  

In maths this week, she has impressed Mrs Camish and Mrs Sprigg with her methodical approach to adding and subtracting decimals. She followed all the modelled strategies and answered questions in her White Rose booklet with success. In addition to this, she makes a great learning partner to others.  This is something we have enjoyed watching recently, it doesn’t matter who she is working with, she does so in a calm and caring manner, sharing her knowledge and listening to the opinions and ideas of others.  Well done Rosie!

W/E: 24/05/24

Olivia: has transformed this year and the difference in her confidence has been remarkable. She is passionate and enthusiastic about her learning and when in lessons.  Mrs Camish can always rely on her to provide articulate and well-developed answers.  In the classroom she is always ready to learn, keen to help others and a fabulous learning partner. In English, she always takes great care with her writing, ensuring it is beautifully presented and that the content also shows how capable she is as a reader. Reading is the window to everything and her rich and ambitious vocabulary always feeds into her work.  Her diary entry was full of emotive language and set the tone early with personal phrases, allowing the reader to connect with her as the writer. Well done Olivia!

W/E: 17/05/24

Sophie B: has been so determined to get her name read out as star of the week on a Friday. I feel delighted to be awarding this to her this week.  This is a special award and it means that you must go above and beyond expectations. Holding the door for people, saying please and thankyou should just be second nature, and almost done without thinking here at St Anne's. That is because we are a family and we are taught to have mutual respect. So Sophie should feel very proud of herself for being here this week.  Over the past few weeks, I have seen her unwavering efforts to listen carefully and avoid distractions - something that does not come naturally. She has continued to show kindness towards others in the class - a quality that must never be underestimated, and her enthusiasm for learning is something to admire.  A key example of her great learning behaviour was when I noticed how engaged Sophie was at the imagination gaming club. Her eyes lit up and her spark of excitement lit up the room!  You are a pleasure to have in class 5 Sophie, this is well deserved - Keep up the great work!

W/E: 10/05/24

Violet: This young lady is a ray of sunshine and often lights up the room with her smile. She has stood out for all the right reasons this week, showing that she is listening and ready to learn. She has worked well with her learning partner to not only listen to ideas but contribute her own.  There have been a number of times in the classroom where adults have needed help, and she has been the first to volunteer without hesitation and has been very keen to offer her answers to questions asked in Maths and Science.  Mrs Camish and Mrs Sprigg have noticed acts of kindness from this person, such as holding the door for others, picking up coats from the cloakroom floor and straightening tables in the classroom. All of these things are carried out without prompts from adults.  A big well done to Violet, keep up the fantastic work because we are really proud of you. 

W/E: 03/05/24

Edward: This young man always brings a buzz of excitement to lessons and always rises to any challenge he is presented with in his own unassuming and conscientious manner.  What I find particularly impressive about this young man is that he is a thinker!  When presented with a question, he isn't impulsive or clumsy with his response, he bides his time and carefully considers his answer. He makes sure that he draws upon his previous learning and a super example of this was when he explained angles around a point in maths. He could problem solve by using his existing knowledge of a full turn and confidently explained his method to the rest of the class.

I have also been impressed with his progress in writing. He is enjoying the Greek myth Theseus and the Minotaur and has been proactive with selecting the vocabulary within his work. He could explain what is meant by tier 3 vocabulary and gave specific examples when working as a historian and scientist.  He always brings a spark to the classroom, he is charismatic, witty and incredibly kind. He embraces new learning experiences and rises to the challenges that are set of him and is an active and conscientious learner.  Well done Edwards, keep striving for excellence!

Amelia: absolutely epitomises a growth mind-set and her “can do” approach to learning has enabled her to make excellent progress throughout the curriculum. She may not be the loudest voice in the classroom, but she certainly shines through because she contributes wholeheartedly to class discussions and is able to articulate her point of view with arguments for and against a topic of discussion.  In English, she has fabulous ideas and her stories are always lively and entertaining as she really considers the vocabulary she selects for her writing and the effect it may have on the reader. Recently, she wrote her own version of a fable and used a variety of openers to maintain the readers' interest.  In DT, she stood out for all the right reasons and showed her creativity when making a pneumatic toy. She demonstrated a fine eye for detail in her sarcophagus design and shared ideas when supporting her friends in the classroom. Well done Amelia!

W/E: 19/04/24

Mia: can always be relied upon to help around the classroom and understands how to conduct herself in a sensible, mature manner. She helps out around the classroom, whether it be handing out big questions, finding text books or helping her peers. I feel confident that she will manage the task at hand independently and with ease.  Her work is beautifully presented and completed with pride at the forefront of her mind. "Be the best you that you can be" is a motto we strive for here at St Anne's and Mia lives this daily.  This week, as a learning partner, she has supported others with line graphs in maths, and in science, she could confidently explain the methods of seed dispersal, giving key examples.  In DT, she was also on hand to help others in the first stages of making pneumatic toys. Well done Mia, you consistently demonstrate mature learning behaviours, making you a super role model and asset to Class 5 and St Anne's. Keep up the great work!

W/E: 22/03/24

Holly: has settled really well over the last couple of weeks in maths. Mrs Sprigg and I have seen a marked improvement in her learning and she has shown more resilience to give things a go independently.  As a result of this, she is completing more of the White Rose booklet and showing more success with her answers. This has been wonderful to see her feel a sense of accomplishment within lessons and, hopefully, she is developing some self-belief. Well done Holly! We believe in you.

W/E: 15/03/24

Frankie: has started to believe in herself more this term. This has been particularly evident in how she now applies herself with a growth mindset attitude within maths. This is leading to her being more confident to challenge herself and more reflective upon her own learning.  She is becoming such a driven and determined individual who values her learning in all subjects, but I have noticed that she is particularly passionate about writing. It's been a joy to teach her English so far and I love working with her celebrating her super vocabulary and discussing how we can make her writing even better!  In addition to her fabulous attitude within school, Frankie always goes above and beyond at home.  Her learning log tasks have been outstanding! Her creations have included pharaoh masks, astronauts and solar systems but in all my years of teaching, I have never had a Mars Rover enter through the door in the morning. Recently, her science project blew everybody away and her victory was thoroughly deserved. Enjoy your trip to Magna Frankie. Congratulations and keep up the fantastic work!

W/E: 08/03/24

Nadia: what a fantastic start Nadia has had. We are in full flow of learning about Ancient Egypt but her enthusiasm to join in and share her existing knowledge has been admirable. She has been so open to change, challenge and new expectations.  She has settled in beautifully and the class have welcomed her with open arms. I have seen her gain confidence and on many occasions, she has voluntarily offered answers, shared knowledge and asked inciteful questions. She has been conscientious with her work and often asks how she can improve - what a grown up attitude and music to any teacher's ears. You have been a welcome addition to our class Nadia, well done and keep up the great work!

W/E: 01/03/24

Aylin: always listens well, gives 100% and has made great progress.  I love to hear her read as I can always hear in her voice how much she enjoys books. I can also see the inspiration from books used within her writing.  Aylin plays with everybody, is happy to chat with her peers and adults and always shows an interest in what others have to say. Her selfless, caring nature means that she is adored by many within school and these kind qualities make her a well valued member of the St Anne's family.  Well done Aylin!

W/E: 23/02/24

Harry: Since the first day of year five and in fact, through the duration of his time at St Anne's, he has shown a positive attitude to everything he encounters. He has been enjoying our learning about Ancient Egypt and when retelling parts of a well-known story, he worked confidently in his group to sequence key events. He is putting lots of effort into his reading in school and at home and has read out loud with increasing fluency to others in the class. The impact of this work is beginning to show in his recent Accelerated Reader quizzes.

Harry carries himself respectfully and follows school rules, making him an excellent role model to others. He embodies the St Anne's values and does it with pride. Well done Harry!

W/E: 02/02/24

Holly: is a ray of sunshine. Her unflappable, unassuming nature means that she takes everything, everyday in her stride.  She loves learning, loves God, loves people and loves life - she oozes what St Anne's is all about. In lessons she is keen to answer questions and always gives her best. A highlight this week was her involvement in worship at church answering questions which were respectful and well thought out. She is kind and considerate and never too occupied to compliment others. You are a pleasure to have in our class and indeed, our school.

W/E: 26/01/24

Harper: wears her heart on her sleeve and is kind and sensitive to the feelings of others. She is a good friend, supportive, loyal and honest. Over the past few weeks, Harper has worked incredibly hard to develop her independence and as a result, now enjoys just giving all tasks a go. In maths this week, she tackled tricky long multiplication. She worked through the modelled strategy - step by step - and showed patience which resulted in success. She is beginning to realise that she can achieve anything she wants to, if she keeps up this committed learning attitude.

W/E: 19/01/24

Isobel: this person works hard EVERY week. Motivated, eager to please and always showing enthusiasm.  Isobel makes every effort to be the best version of herself. Contributions to class discussions are always well delivered, with carefully considered answers. It is a pleasure to have her in my classroom each day, and I look forward to our little conversations about maths strategies. Never ever change, this attitude will indeed take you very far in life. Well done Isobel! 

W/E: 15/12/23

Dayna: Never underestimate the power of a smile!  Dayna greets me with a smile every morning without fail and what a difference that makes to my day. She leaves an impression on all the adults she meets and it an absolute pleasure to have her in my class this year. She gets on with everybody, is happy to chat with her peers and adults, and always shows an interest in what others have to say. Her selfless, caring nature means that she is adored by many within school and these kind qualities make her an excellent role model.  Respect is a core Christian value at St Anne’s and Dayna consistently lives this out every day; holding the door for teachers, helping others in class…the list could go on. Another reason for achieving star of the week is for the personal growth I have seen in just a term, she thrived at Hathersage and this experience will last in her memories for many years to come. Mrs Smith and Miss Howarth were both amazed by her resilience and determination on the trip.  Well done Dayna! 

W/E: 08/12/23

Darcie: is an incredibly helpful member of class who can always be relied on. She is also hard working. This week she has ensured all of her work has been completed to the best of her ability and that she has taken on board all of the feedback given to her. She has worked incredibly hard in every lesson but particularly in English where her poetry has been outstanding. She has extended her learning to home and written a beautiful poem modelled on the “Raven” which we have been studying from the book “The Lost Words”. She included a variety of literary devices such as alliteration, similes, metaphors and even some excellent relative clauses. Well done Darcie, keep up the fantastic work! 

Zachary: has really turned a corner this week. I have seen a new-found confidence begin to emerge and his attitude towards his learning has been excellent. When learning about human and physical geography, he stepped forward to present his groups ideas and his contribution in class discussions has been fantastic. In reciprocal reading, he read a section of our book with confidence and clarity. He has shown a great understanding of equivalent fractions during our Maths sessions and his positivity to give things a go is brilliant! Great job Zachary! I am so proud of how hard you have worked this week and pleased to see that you are beginning to believe in yourself just as much as we do! 

W/E: 01/12/23

Amelia: is full to the brim with knowledge and ideas and always has lots to offer within lessons. The best way to describe her is like a sponge -  tirelessly driven to seek and absorb new information. She is highly curious and has shown confidence to ask questions, if she is unsure or wants to know more. We regularly talk about making links in our learning and in RE this week, she demonstrated this perfectly when talking about the way in which different faiths worship. She recalled previous knowledge from year 2 and 4 and discussed in detail how the learning connected.  Another highlight this week was in our reciprocal reading lesson when she took on the role of summariser. She could extract key information from the book to support her summary of a chapter and even pose questions to the class to develop their understanding of key events.

Well done Amelia!

W/E: 24/11/23

The children have had an incredible time on their residential to Hathersage, with so many new experiences and skills, this trip will be talked about for a long, long time.  They are all stars this week!

W/E: 16/11/23

Billy: I have noticed this young man's efforts from the very first day when I had taught him on transition day.  He had a positive attitude, was polite, hardworking, inquisitive and this hasn't faltered.  I am always proud of this young man and his attitude towards his work every single day. He is an excellent role model and always tries his best in everything that he does.  He has enjoyed our space topic and put in extra work at home to create fact files about Mars and Earth. These were fabulous, were shared with the class and now have pride of place on our Learning Journey wall. He is now showing just as much enthusiasm with the geography locating our local area on maps using mapping software.  Billy carries himself respectfully and follows school rules, making him an excellent role model to others. He embodies the St Anne's values and does it with pride. Well done Billy!

W/E: 10/11/23

Olivia: is bursting with potential and has so much to give. She is enthusiastic in all lessons and shows a real curiosity and thirst for learning. I am always impressed by her willingness to contribute to class discussions and confidence to share ideas but what I believe sets her apart, is her natural ability to justify her opinions with detailed and valid explanations. A particular highlight was in our reciprocal reading lesson when we became summarizers. She could extract key information from the book to support her summary of a chapter and even pose questions to the class to develop their understanding of key events. In addition to the hard work in school, I have been blown away by the beautiful canvas paintings produced at home. I always love to see that learning extends outside of the classroom and it is so rewarding to know that work done in school inspires the children we teach. Congratulations Olivia, keep up this fantastic work ethic!

W/E: 13/10/23

Edward: is an avid reader and this is evident in his understanding and interpretation of new texts. I have noticed this week how perceptive he is in comprehension work and he has shown that he can identify and extract key information with ease. This is a tricky skill but he has realised that evidence is key -  so using extracts from the book to prove our point of view is the best way to answer our questions and he is now doing this more naturally. Through his reading, he is clearly absorbing new vocabulary and terminology, has taken on board the strategies that are taught in class and transfers this knowledge into his written work. He is particularly enjoying the learning around Black History Month and the book Hidden Figures where he been able extract key information and articulate main ideas to the class.  PE is one of Edwards absolute favourite subjects. This week he has impressed me in netball. He had to maintain possession of the ball with his team mates and demonstrated effective communication through signalling, calling and moving. Although modest and unassuming, Edward is carving his own path towards a very successful year. Well done Edward!

W/E: 06/10/23

Lewis: Perseverance! The theme in this week's worship, and Lewis is demonstrating this more with every week that passes by. He is really beginning to adapt to the demands of upper key stage 2 and I have recognised his extra efforts so thank you!  Lewis reads extensively for enjoyment and frequently discusses concepts about which he has read. He has also impressed me this week with his explanation text because he has worked diligently to improve his writing by adding topic based vocabulary and genre specific features.

Well done Lewis!

W/E: 28/09/23

Poppy: It is impossible not to smile when you say Poppy’s name as she brings joy to the classroom every day and in every lesson. Regardless of the subject, Poppy gives 100% but we have seen this especially in English where she shows resilience and a steely determination to truly understand the meaning of new vocabulary, spellings and apply this in her work.  Poppy has been focusing on improving the layout of her work, her handwriting and the presentation and must be commended for her diligence with this. Poppy is a fantastic role model, not only to those in our class but for everyone in our school and we are incredibly proud of her!

Lewis: has really hit the ground running in Year 5 and demonstrated all the characteristics of an excellent team player and someone who wants to do well.  Right from the beginning, he has worked hard to challenge himself in the lessons and as we have been focusing on presentation, Lewis has been taking extra pride in his work and his work is beautifully presented. He is growing in confidence and this is really helping him to shine brightly in everything he does. An example of this confidence was his outstanding performance in the drumming showcase on Monday afternoon. We know, with this fantastic attitude, Lewis will go from strength to strength this year and we can't wait to see what he achieves. Well done Lewis!

W/E: 22/09/23

Alexander: It has been lovely getting to know this young man better over the past two weeks. He approaches every day with a “can do” attitude, listens carefully, is open to feedback from the adults in the classroom and has impeccable manners. This never goes unnoticed. This young man sets a fantastic example to his classmates with his willingness to work hard and do his best. Keep it up Aleksander!

Mia: I am delighted to award 'Star of the Week' to Mia.  She is a hardworking, caring and extremely helpful member of class 5 who always goes out of her way to do jobs and help those around her.  She strives to be the very best she can be at all times and this is perfectly demonstrated by how often she contributes in the lessons.  Her answers are always well considered and thought out and she delivers them perfectly to the class.  She speaks with clarity, conviction and confidence, making sure she explains her answer and the reason she has come to this conclusion.  She is also a brilliant friend and a fantastic learning partner for everyone who sits around her. Well done Mia - you should be very proud of yourself!

W/E: 15/09/23

Thomas: Thomas has made a fabulous start to Class 5 and has proved in class that he is hardworking, a good listener and always tries his very best. His books are beautifully presented and it is wonderful to see the pride he takes in his work. Thomas has settled into the class seamlessly and made lots of new friends which isn’t a surprise because he has a great smile and impeccable manners. When asked about his first day, his response was – “it has been wonderful”. I am excited to see what this year brings for you Thomas, you are a welcome addition to St Anne’s. Keep up the great work!

Isobel O: This young lady has made a great start to year 5. She is motivated, eager to please and always shows enthusiasm towards every task asked of her. She is constantly smiling and has been recognised within the classroom as being kind towards others. She has been making every effort to be the best she can be and if a task isn’t her best, she recognises this and voluntarily tries again. Such a fabulous proactive attitude to work Isobel - Keep it up!